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Ive been on sulfameth/trimethoprim for 3 days now 1pill every 12 hours until all gone.since taking the pills I have been urinating a lot 30mins apart im also taking metronidazole500MG both to treat a boil also bacteria infection. Is it normal to urinate this much. .no burning during urination all just clear like water.
3 Replies
How do i know when i am getting better fron bactetial vaginosis
Hello m on flagyl cipron n som ather antibecteria bt I had unprotected intercourse last nyt n m starting 2 get inflamations ths morning pls help I dnt knw if th problem is ma bf
The Sulfamethoxazole with Trimethoprim is the most likely culprit, Sulfa by itself was used to treat urinary tract infections, before some many other antibiotics were available on the market, because it can kill bacteria and increase urinary output to help cleanse the kidneys and urinary tract.
That said, this also means that it's very easy to get dehydrated while you're taking this medication, so unless its contraindicated for you medically, you may want to increase your fluid intake a little bit to compensate and prevent dehydration from occurring.
Is there anything else I can help with?
You can learn more Bactrim details here.