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Iwas put on Methodone 5-6 years ago for chronic back pain and fibromyalgia. My ankles starting swelling so my Dr. put me on a fentanyl patch. with Norco for breakthrough. I have ben doing pretty well. A few months ago I decided to get off the drugs. I have been on 25mcg patch for a couple of months, and the other day deciced it was time to quit.My Dr. knows what my plan is. Anyway it's been a pretty miserable couple of days. The second night I put on a patch for a few hours to sleep. So sincde yesterday I have been a real TWEEKER-restless body, flipping all over the place, can't eat, can't sleep, achy. Right or wrong I am rationing the Norco I have left atlernating with tylenol, and taking klonipin. It sucks. I am so glad that I am not alone, while at least I can read what others are going through.My ? should I get 12.5 mcg patches or just plow through? Thanks Gegee
2 Replies
Gegee, I am sorry to hear what you are going through. I was in a similar situation myself once, almost 2 years ago, now.
I, however, later came to discover that my whole adventure on pain management was due to a misdiagnosis. It was quite a nightmare to go through. I had been put on very, very high doses of Morphine, antidepressants, muscle relaxers, Ibuprofen and Oxycodone and basically all for nothing.
I had tried Fentanyl at once point, but it made me far too ill to continue using it, which is a fact I was later glad of.
I did quit mine cold turkey and it took almost 2 months for all the withdrawal effects to finally pass and please let me add that they were a truly miserable 2 months, too!
Tapering is, by far, much safer and easier, especially with your doctors assistance.
I am very glad to hear that you are making it through and if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
update: went 2 doc & got 3- 12 mcg patches, finishesd up 2day. was given phenergan and klonidine for withdrawals. I am feeling more confident that I can get thru this, now knowing what to expect. I am definitely ready to try and live life without the strong narcs. It might not be as an active life but I will not be tied to anything. Thanks for your support. Please DO NOT put yourself thru what I just went thru, there is help. I am leaning more and more towards legal marajuana for treatment.Some states you can get it and I truly believe it is worth trying. Thanks.
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