Methamphetamine Urine Test In 24 Hrs Help (Top voted first)


Used meth for 4 days have drug test next 24 hrs used baking soda 3 times zinc azeos b total eclipse definite detox will this help me pass

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Tomorrow I have a Probation hearing (Drug Related) and I am certain a 10 panel drug screen will be given. Court begins at 8 AM Tomorrow. My question is what time should I begin this agonizing and inhumane torture to my body? Court may say be there by 8 AM but I may not go in front of the judge until 12 PM to 2 PM. Huge room for error should I do something incorrect or not in the correct time span. Need advice on how to play this out in the proper manner of time. Can I take too much Baking Soda? Will drinking too much water after consuming the Baking Soda Neutralize the effect of the Baking Soda?

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OK so I will answer my own question... I don't know what substance I used that done it or if it was all them together.. but I used last yesterday at 630pm b had used for the previous 4 days about a 1/2 g a day... I read all over the Internet b got several different suggestions that when all put together fixed one problem that the other caused with urine being to clear to pH b so on.. this is what I used.. I started at 5 am made me a cup of coffee cup I knew this was gonna be rough... So I got a glass the biggest I had which when I measured the water to fit b it it was 18 Oz I put two heaping tablespoons of baking soda b stirred it up.. drank it steady b finished b about 7 min r so.. use warm water makes it easier to swallow found this out on my 2nd glass.. finished the first glass b followed it a glass of water about 12 Oz over the next 10 min.. was nauseous but I have a weak stomach. Finished it then on to the Total eclipse definite detox maximum strength u can find it ato a head shop online r g.n.c. g.n.c. is much higher but it was last minute I had no choice.. about 65 dollars there about 25 online.. in the box was 4 Oz of concentrated liquid b 4 capsules.. took them all together washing them down with the liquid.. taste like cough syrup.. followed by 32 Oz of water follow instructions on side of the box. Following another 16 oz I believe about 15 min later.. then made me another cup of water b baking soda cuz I wasn't going to the bathroom urine r other..... but about half way through that it started wasn't to bad.. urinated about 6 times n 45 min drove to probation went in n didn't feel positive I was gonna pass so when asked if I could urinate I had a excuse.. so the test got delayed from around 8 to about 5 so I went to Walmart bought zinc it's a bit I'm an for immune health will help with the masking from dilution and also midol just regular midol n also cranberry clinical strength or azos either one n a home 4 panel drug test.. bought regular cranberry juice 100% cranberry no sugar or additives.. n bottled water.. went home n looked at it all n just shook my head this Wil be the first n last time I have to do this.. bet that.. took 4 _50 MG capsules of zinc n 2_500 MG Midol tablets.. 1 cranberry pill n mad another baking soda n water this time not as much about a water bottle full.. with 1 tbsp.of baking soda drank it off n on went to the bathroom several times during all this #1n #2.. after the bathroom rush I got busy doing stuff outside physical activity picking up stuff n playing with dogs n horse then in to clean the house vacuum so on just stayed busy until 245 During this I only drank 2 12oz bottles of water. Before I left the house I made me another baking soda b water 12 Oz with 1 tsp. Not tbsp.of baking soda. I went ahead b said the hell with it I am gonna use the test b see gotta go one way r the other.. yanked it out of the box stressed the hell out urinated not beginning of urine but middle name almost all of the last of the urine b the cup.. put lid on it now set it down b it automatically started reading my results on the cap.. it wasn't 3 min and all of the test had 2 lines for neg.. it took me method a few more seconds to get as dark as all the others but it wasn't but a couple of seconds.. the 2nd line was showing neg from get go it just kept getting darker.. I was blown away.. I was like wtf OMG I ain't believing this s***. Lao but on my way to probation I stared questioning myself what if I test post. For amphetamine but passed for me this cut the amp. Test was not on the 4 panel test I bought.. but I was like B**** quit tripping lol.. so I set b probation waring to get called back for about 30 min about to pass on myself. N finally got to go back only let the first 2 to 3 sec of urine Into toilette because I don't want to draw suspension. To doing the middle of the test r last s***.. people do that when diluting urine so try not pee slowly so it's not so loud noise noticeable talk to the person so they can't hear back then fill up cup up only a little past what they need that's what I did urine was colored yellow because of the other supplements I added to the total eclipse b Midol to fix there issue they caused.. I passed a 12 panel drug test successfully with b 3 minutes after peeling the stickers off.. yeah I was blown the f*** away 2... enjoy yell but just know it's not worth this s*** for me.. I enjoy using from time to time cut I get things done I need to do.. but the stress for the last 24 hrs was too much I already seen myself going to prison b everything I worked for lost b not counting my family the most important.. so I hope this helps you all very much and good luck on your journey.. this girl is out.. will not put myself through that again shot felt like 5 years b was only 24 hrs did I mention I didn't even sleep stayed up that night researching all of the do not don'ts.. hope you all don't continue to put yourself through this cut at some point we know where it's gonna lead.. been there don't that not going down that f***ing bumpy ass road again.. if u have any question feel free to ask me.. n good luck.. hay did u hear that. Lmao

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I think you're awesome gonna try this tomorrow last time I used was 8:30am today gotta test tomorrow praying it works for me like it didon't for you, and yea I use for the same reason, under pressure overwhelmed, gotta get stuff done. Thank you for your help. I'll let you know what happens!

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I took my last dose at 12 yesterday. And i have to take a urine test tomorrow at 8am. If i drink water from thursday at 2 pm and take azo pills will my urine be clean by 8 in the morning?

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Hey I go to daily report center n I never know when I'm gonna get a ua, they just slap it when ur least expecting it but my question is if I used the baking soda method to get methamphetamine out my system would it also remove my other medicine, cause I take 14mg of suboxone n 15mg of Valium. I need to know how to remove the methamphetamine but not my regular meds? Please help me asap!!!

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will eclipse assure detox maximum strength help pass drug test after doing meth

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The total eclipse definite detox maximum strength works good BUT not alone... gotta do the baking soda. I also did high potency cranberry with vit C pills, zinc, midol & a s*** ton of water... it works though! Actually passed 6 or 7 tests since I posted on Valentine's day- Frfr actually JUST the baking soda with lots of water after works but use the vitamins so it dont come out with diluted/tainted results! And stop/minimize usage asap! ;)

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Re: DRCpersonneedshelp (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Did you pass? Does baking soda work? How long do I drink it before my test? Please help. I have class at 1:30 and I test at 3. What time do I need to drink it?

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Hey so glad u passed I took like 3 hits of the pipe yesterday afternoon but have a UA tomorrow. Its Sunday right now and this was Saturday. When should I start drinking the baking soda concoction its 5:40 right now

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