Methadone In Pa (Top voted first)


Hello I just moved to pa 3 yrs ago.i am from nj and take methadone 80 mf a day ! It has done wonders for me and my life well dr retired and gotta find new dr and of corse can't find one! I'm 41 have the same job since I been in pa no record or nothing! I have back prob discs herniated enlarged , sciatica s etc ! I went thru 25 Dr's so far either this excise no new patients or my insurance isn't accepted (I have a big name ins) and the few Dr's that would see me don't do methadone etc! I don't wanna lose all I built for myself of corse w God's help because of this please anybody , somebody is there something else that a Dr would prescribe or I donno just hate withdrawals w all that pain I didn't do nothing to deserve this HELP??????? GOD BLESS

2 Replies

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Hello, Ldawg! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having.

The most likely reason you received so many turn downs and insurance excuses is due to the fact that you were asking for a specific medication that is very frequently abused. Doctors are taught to view that as being drug seeking behavior. You'd actually need to get in with a new doctor, without asking for any specific medication up front, then discuss your treatment options, once you are in an appointment with them viewing your current medical records. Once they see what has and hasn't worked for you, as documented by fellow physicians, they will be more prone to prescribe accordingly.

In order to have it prescribed for pain on a long-term ongoing basis, due to the new regulations that were put in place last year, you'll need to see a pain management specialist. A general practice doctor won't be able to prescribe it for you.

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

The easiest thing to do might be to set yourself up with a new PCP and have them refer you to someone.

Can anyone suggest a good doctor in that area?

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The only thing i know i could tell you is go to a clinic that's what i had to do ive been on it since 2013 i tired to come off it and xanx at the same time in by the 14th day if i would have not went back i would have killed my self that is the hardest thing i have ever tried to come off of it is worse than pain pills but that is how i got started on methadone is cause drs had me addicted to pain pills i am bout 100 pounds and they were giving me 4 30's and 10 75microrgrams fintinal patches you wore for 3 days and 3 1mg xanx a day

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