Methadone Dr For Pain Mn
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I was in a auto 04/2010. My back is broke in several places and my L shoulder. My family an I were told I need a 24 hr operation on my back and a 12 hr operation to replace my shoulder. We were told I would not.survive either and need to be on comfort care with pain meds the rest of my life. I moved to cottage gove,mn 07/2014 and have been treated like I"m a street drug addict. This is a sin how people like me in the USA are treated. I was a Hospice RN for many years before the car accident. I am becoming suicidal from the pain. I have severe nerve pain in my back, but and legs to my feet. Methadone 30 mg 3 tomes a day is the only med that helps and oxycodone 2-3 tabs every 6 hrs for acute an break through pain as needed. I am 60yrs old. I should not have to suffer like this for the rest of my life. This is fricking inhumane. Methadone is inexpensive an works. Beware of a new drug Drs are trying to experiment on us with. It's called Suboxone. It is dangerous.

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I know how hard it is being in pain. Even if you are not an "addict" you do become addicted to any pain medication when taken over a long period of time. It's all about how it makes you feel. That being said Doctors just don't understand enough about addiction and pain management. I became addicted while being treated for chronic pain, but took more meds to feel better emotionally. I did rehab and lived clean for a bit, but when the pain came back it became impossible to be prescribed the amount of medication I needed to actually feel better because my tolerance was incredibly high. I started taking methadone and it was great! But again I started to need more. So I turned to a methadone clinic. Now they don't do pain management, but if you just say your an addict and do large amounts of narcotic medication, they will take you in. I get 140mg a day and over time you get carries and go to the clinic less and less. It has worked for me. Yes it would be nice to just have a regular prescription, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. Maybe this could help you. It's something to think about anyway! Good luck and I hope you are comfortable soon!!!!!

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I'm in the same boat. I damaged my nerve in my back when I had my last baby. I have done everything they have asked from PT, MT, injections, exercise, my nerves babe been burned and I've been told by 2 different doc's that I will be on pain meds the rest of my life. All the pain management doctors want to do is put me on soboxin, I can't take that because of my thyroid. What do I do. I was taking 6-8ng dilaudid a day and am down to 3 30mg methadone a day but all in grated like us a drug seeker.

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I will dye if not with out my methadone for my pain,in florida it's hard to get,and when your in pain you diy GOD BLEST ALL,, MIKE

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