Methadone And Vyvanse (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have taken opiates lately, and as an addict it is hard not to go for whatever you can get your hands on to make the withdrawals go away. I had a setback and took 150 mg vyvanse, and of course got the energy I was wanting, but now I can not get to sleep. When I lay down I am wide awake, which I'm assuming is from the vyvanse, but I can feel my withdrawal symptoms from the opiates. I have 10 mg of methadone to help me but I'm afraid to take it with the vyvanse. Can I take them together? Will it take away my withdrawal symptoms will either one cancel the other out? With the vyvanse feeling go away?
5 Replies
I am taking 100mg of methadone and 70 MG of Vyvanse will taking the two together work like they are suppose to you get the relaxed feeling from the methadone but also be a little more energetic from the it dangerous to take them together?
According to the University of Maryland's drug interaction checker at, there are no interactions listed between Methadone and Vyvanse. Having said that, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to take them together unless instructed otherwise by your prescribing doctor (who should already be aware of what you're taking).
On the other hand, because each person responds differently to these types of medications, determining if Vyvanse will help alleviate your withdrawal symptoms is something that can only be found out through trial and error.
With this in mind I think it's imperative to discuss specific dosing regimens with your doctor. This way you can have professional assistance tailoring the dosage to better meet your needs during the process of it all.
I was taking 90 mg of methadone with vyvanse and eventually developed encephalitis (swelling on the brain). There was no sign of viral infection. If you experience short blackouts or memory lapses these may be a sign of internal seizures which are caused by onset of encephalitis. If I could go back in time I would warn my past self to focus on holistic methods of managing ADHD such as reducing sodium and sugar intake. Good luck, Godspeed.
Also, taking depressants and stimulants together (speedballing) is horrible for your heart and results in high blood pressure. If you do combine these medications be sure to check your blood pressure regularly.
Re: Liam Devlin (# 3)
That is scary. I take 85mg Methadone and 60 MG Vyvanse. Had the doctors ever heard of that happening, or was it a one-off that it happened to you? How did you find out you had the swelling? I get awful headaches sometimes when I take both and now I'm scared. If you could respond it would be great, thanks.
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