Methadone And Morphine Together (Page 4)
Advice would be " Get surgery" before you have Kidney or Liver failure!! These doctors are not to bright sometimes
90 mgs is very stupid to stop on I have sever RA an a very seirous mussel disease if ur tryin to get hi ur not ever gone get well I take 1.5 twice a day
There are two uses for this med, one is to get off of opiates, etc. two is for pain maintenance in small doses and just temporary. I couldn't stand depending on oxys cuz I had bad back pain and wanted that relief. Taking the dones with oxys made me take them the right way. I would take maybe 10 or 20 mgs of dones and oxys but got my life back and I get blood work every 6 months and very healthy, even cholesterol is 125
is it safe to take morphine and methadone at the same timeor should I just take one of them but with a higher dose
What dose MST finally worked for you? I'm on 60 mls methadone and want to switch, MST has been chosen as the replacement, but I'm terrified of withdrawals, and I'm not instilled with confidence by the doctor's seeming lack of knowledge on this subject.
I'm on methadone for cronic pain and it deffo not a picnic in the park god ddam kidneys hey.
How much mgs do you doc sending me to pain specialist this month after 2 and a half years on methadone i took as little as possible but what im gonna do is take my oxys for two weeks instead of the dones to get most out my body then ween down to 1 10mg done a day and quit cuz im worried about withdrawls if pain spec doesnt work out
Only take the methadone through a methadone clinic and it will help you ditch other opiates or opiods.I've been clean from pain pills for a year and a half from going to the clinic and stopping the other pain works,although a lot of people have side effects that usually go away.
Best thing I did was get off the methadone here in CT it's more of a hostage program rather than helpful I have severe RA and I was on 80 mg of methadone and I've dropped down to 22 now I'm dropping 5mgs every 3 days I am not having as hard a time with withdrawal like people told me I'd have listen to ur body and ur PCP good luck
I just wanted to share my experience with you. I started on methadone almost 2 yrs ago and Tues Aug 4th was my last day. I was terrified to detox off the clinic but I knew that it was time. I detoxed slowly at first 2mg a week I was on 80mgs when I started that when I got to 50 I did 1mg a day until I got to 37mg then we did 5mg every 3 days and when I got to 7mg I took the 7 for the 3 days and I could have went for the remaining 2mg but choose not to. I'm 3 days off the methadone and honest to God I don't feel bad at all. The worst part of the detox was I couldn't sleep, I went 2 weeks and slept maybe an hour a day. My sleep pattern is back and I feel great. Before my decision to quit people told me horror stories about how sick I'd be, but those people were just jealous that they didn't have the courage to quit and would do anything to bring you down with them. Just remember one thing the mind is a very powerful tool, if u tell yourself that you will be sick guess what u will be. Keep filling ur head with positive thoughts and u will be fine. I'm proof of that. Keep active and drink plenty of water. You will do just fine. Any questions just ask. I have faith in you, you can do it.
I get both oxys and methadones and for 2 weeks i took the oxys 15s so i can get the methadone out of my body and now i take only 10 mgs a day. The oxys suck but dones aint bad. Right now i pray i could quit and it aint bad cuz i have to work to support family. I'm going to pain clinic and maybe i will get something way less.
Just an update for those of you who want to get off methadone but are worried about the withdrawal symptoms. I am one week off methadone today and I'm doing OK it's uncomfortable at times but no where near what I thought it would be. If you tell yourself that you will be sick guess what u will be. If I can do it anyone can. Good luck and let me know if I can help.
I'm sorry but I just had to comment...I really believe that the over-dosing is caused from people taking a mixture of things that they shouldn't...I'm not saying that an accident couldn't occur of course, but if people really want to be truthful there is a real problem with people abusing pills, drinking, and I would love to know if when they "misuse it" if they're doing it for pain or B/C they are trying to achieve a "high"? I've never abused a pill in my life and don't intend to start but I know people that do, and some are close to me.... Can this cause brain cancer?? I haven't gotten answers anywhere else. Also, they had me on morphine & methadone for a long time & it really helped!! But then they took me off morphine & said "methadone isn't for breakthrough pain!" Said that "I slipped through the cracks." Said that they would keep me on morphine if I wanted to go off methadone. I said No! Methadone seems to be the only thing helps my pain...I was on 120 10s a MT. for 9 years, and now I'm on 90. They replaced the morphine with percs....I live in severe pain. Have a list a mile long of back problems, neck,arthritis,etc.I'm so angry B/C my quality of life has went so far down. I thought that people had the human right NOT to live in pain!! But evidently not. The last trip she said that she would up my methadone back to 120 but would take me off the percs!!
I need to talk to someone also become friends on the trust very many people so if I'm allowed to join would only like to talk to very few people unless I'm instructed otherwise I've been seeing same dr for about 30 years and it was his time to retire and left me high and in Bristol township pa and now I'm feeling very lost and sick I'm a very to myself type of person if I fit the criteria I would feel a great honor and try to repay a in anyway possible donate my time to talk to anyone at any time so thank you very much
Pollock that's very nice of you, perhaps you can let people know what you would like to talk about. It might be easier for people to respond to you. I myself have posted quite a bit on here regarding my experience with methadone and detoxing off it. Good luck
Pollock here again, I may not of made myself clear before and im very sorry for that but what I meant was my dr left me after having me on 120 mg oxycodone a day. I have very bad knees. ive had the meniscus taken out of both knees and I feel like im walking on concrete. I'm looking for a dr in the Bristol pa Bensalem pa area to take over where my dr left off. Any help would be appreciated. I'm lost and have no clue where to go.
I personally haven't met one person that back surgery helped! Why did they say that the Dr., had to take you off methadone before a surgery?? Just curious!!
So sorry about your Mother!! May I ask what was she on the medication for??
Very well educated! Thank you! I take around 60mgs of methadone for a severe progressive Degenerative Disc Disease and hip displasia, on top of that I take 120mgs of oxycodone a day and most people are ignorant to the purpose of methadone in the first place. So I wanna thank you for you very well informed answer!
Methadone does not cancel out other opiates in small doses of methadone
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