Metformin Smell (Page 4)
Updatedwhy does it smell like fish?
I used to get mine at CVS and I don't remember an odor but I get mine at Wegmans now and I get the smell. It took me months before I figured out where it was coming from.I suppose that is whats to be expected when they are generic and they are the $10 for 90 day supply special
I have been on Glucophage (Metformin) for several years now. When I refilled my script at Target pharmacy in September, I noticed the God-awful smell. I thought maybe since I had quit smoking, that I was smelling things better, but my husband confirmed that the pills had never had a smell before. I have talked to several friends who go to many different pharmacies, and all of their Metformin has the same embarrassing smell. I agree that whatever manufacturer is currently supplying the pharmacies, needs to take a serious look at these complaints and do something about it. I also have bad gas, and even burp almost constantly with a smell of bad eggs. Unfortunately, my insurance will only cover the Metformin since I am also on Lantus and Victoza to control my sugar.
I guess all that can be said is to either switch prescriptions, or put up with these new and irritating side effects.
If anyone has gotten relief somehow, please let me know!
I'm so glad I finally looked this up. The smell is horrible. I'm also having the gas and digestive issues that I've seen reported here. I'm going to ask my doctor at my next visit, but he's usually hesitant to switch medications. I get my prescription at Walgreens.
For the first time in 15 years my metformin smells like Urine. I took it back to Kroger Pharmacy and they replaced it but it smells the same. This was the first time that I have ever had it filled by Kroger. The smell is sickening.
Our local Walgreens (Florida) is carrying a new manufacturer. It's a company called Mylan, and the pills come with a berry scent to cover up the stink. Just started them today.
omg! what a stench! I don't know whats going on. I am from Canada and we have those stinky pills too.
I have been on metformin for years and they have never had an odor before. I thought the pharmacy had given me old pills as older pills usually have a smell. I can't stand it either. I am going back to pharmacy to complain.
I have been on metformin 500mg 3x day for over 3 years now. I never had smell problems in the beginning. One day I picked up my script and it was atrocious! It makes your urine smell like rotten asparagus in beer. I found that using aloe vera capsules help with diarrhea. Took about a month to get into my system. Before that I couldn't even take a sip of water if there was no bathroom around. They use it to treat poly-cystic ovary disease for me. What they don't tell you is that it can cause hypoglycemia. Be carefull and make sure to research medicines like this. I didn't and now looks like I may be stuck on it for the rest of my life. Good luck. I found the smelly vs. non-smelly work the same for me.
I have been taking Metformin for almost two years. I never noticed any smell until I got a refill a couple days from Wal-Mart, the pills smelled fishy. They have a very bitter taste. I am going to ask my Dr. for a different med. This was not the first time I had gotten them from Wal Mart, the first time they smelled.I did call the Pharmacy. He acknowledged they have a order.
I've been on Metformin for 8-9yrs for insulin resistance. I was doing fine with the Met from Ivax (not smell) until about 2yrs ago when Teva pharmaceuticals bought out Ivax . Teva, as most of you know, has the fishy odor. My metformin always worked for me and I could tolerate the smell of the Teva when I learned I had to do so because of no more IVAX. Most all metformin generics have inactive ingredients that will cause some side effects which are mostly gastro, ie; nausea & diarrhea. If one looks up those inactives you will find they are preservatives and solvents to help the tabs dissolve. Strange to find what they REALLY are too! I went on a search to find out the difference in the generics because I had done pretty well getting used to the Teva when Riteaid changed me to AuroBindo Pharm metformin a couple of months ago. No smell which was good BUT after a few weeks I noticed weight gain, tired all the time, bloating, constipation. Checked blood sugars and found metformin not keeping me level but letting me drop to lows thus making me crave sweets and carbs which is what insulin resistance is all about. Although I feel full and bloated, still feel hungry because of the lower blood sugar. In all of my searching for differences in the generic metformin, only the inactive ingredients were different according to info online. I searched for specific difference or trouble, weight gain with Aurobindo pharm and got to this thread where I learned the pharm companies are allowed to vary the amount of actual metformin in the generic drug by 20%. The coating to keep down the fishy smell evidently adds cost to processing so hypothetically if they add cost with the coating they decrease cost by adding less of the actual drug metformin. Looks like I found the ultimate answer to my problem and need to go back to the fishy smelling Teva or ask for increase in dosage as I cannot continue with the bloating, constipation and certainly not with the over ten pound weight gain. For those that DO have an allergy or problem with the inactive indredients in the generics, I found two excellent sites that list many pharmacies and each ingredient. Some are the same but they do vary. One ingredient common among many is also a common ingredient in laxatives by the way: Polyethylene glycol (PEG) or carnaubo wax. These are the links where you can look up ALL of the ingredients. The first is daily med where you can look up any med. You must search the pharmacy along with the drug. For instance: Aurobindo pharm metformin.
The other is another forum where someone researched many of the pharmacies ingredients already. You must scroll down to find the post. I copied and pasted it to word so I would have it in case my pharmacy ever changed me again.
It is well worth the hunt to access all of the information she compiled. Good luck to everyone! By the way- I'm an RN with years of experience and KNOW what you go through from my own experience plus, admire you for digging to find the source of your problem. Many times the doctors office is a dead end street. May God Speed!!
My phamacist told me that it is derived from salmon and that is why it has a fishy odor.
I have been on metformin for years, the smnell fishy, also had non alcoholic stelatic liver and the metformin made it really bad, i have scaring and I was told the metformin did it. I am in stage 2-3 and there is nothing they can do to help. I would suggest get your liver checked periodictly SP?
I was receiving my Metformin from Teva Mfg from a mail order co.and my fingerstick BS's were never lower than 138 and were frequently as high as 280 throughout the day. When I changed pharmacies to Kroger's from that mail order co. my BS is 110 to 120 in the AM and never over 130! I am so happy! Please tell your pharmacist if your BS does not improve with medication from some companies. Teva didn't work for me.
I get my Metformin at Walmart, I asked about the smell. I noticed that when the Metformin is in white enclosed bottles it has no smell. The bottom of the bottle says Sandoz. I asked the clerk about the smell when I got Metformin in brown clear bottles. She said the ones in the brown bottle are used when they are out of the regular Metformin in white bottles which hold 60 pills.
Ididn't have a problem until I got the prescription filled at Walmart
Its not your medication. Metformin or the generic version just assists the body to utilize insulin. That's it, that's all. The fishy odour from "down below" is unbalanced blood sugars causing your body to go into ketoacidosis and that smell is from the toxins your body made to break down muscle fibres into amino-acids because your brain needs amino-acids as a simple sugar substitute. You are not uncommon, but undiagnosed and if you drop your meds, the smell may go away but your body will literally eat itself to keep you alive.
Do not associte the smell wiht expiraiton. THis is an inacurate correlation! It could cause people to stop taking them the compound has that smeill regardless of its freshness
Um I do not know your qualifications, but the smell is EXCACTLY like the smell of the pills. Ketoacidosis is a different thing and the smell is different as well.
I think all metaformin smells the same but the good ones encaplulate the drug so you dont smell it. It is not a filler as far as I can tell.
I have, in fact, stopped my intake of Metformin completely since Friday. I have noticed a concomitant reduction in odor which would seem to correlate with the levels in my system. The order seems to be :
1) Stool
2) Urine
3) Sweat
I have gone down the chain to no very little smell in my sweat, mild smell in my urine and a still pronounced odor in my stool. The persistence of this material is an issue with areas on my clothing, sheets and furniture that came in contact with my sweat to still have an odor. This smell is reducing with time suggesting either outgassing or oxidation.
A cursory search of the literature would suggest no material on the subject (except a little about the smell of the compound itself). However a search of the web seems to show others with my symptoms with an empirical support
for my conclusion (the metformin is the cause). We know the compound
itself smells, and my theory is that I have become saturated with it. There appear to be some threads which attribute this to poor generic manufacture, but I think that's just screed. I think the pros are smart enough to encapsulate the stuff so you don't smell or taste it in the process of
handling and administration. The interesting part is that I cannot
necessarily predict when the stuff will have this effect. This does lead to some concern as the thought of Ketoacidosis or Lactic acidosis is paramount in my mind. I am not seeing any symptoms of these conditions nor have I noticed any changes in my urinary habits that would suggest kidney issues.
OK I have been whgining about other posts her is my own. This is an excerpt of a letter I sent to my new doc today. I had a really bad experiance where that smell was coming out in my sweat! Gah !! it is the compound itself in my opinion
Yes i just switched to generic to save money and got it at CVS and it smells terrible! It is so offensive but I force myself to take it. This can't be good! I am going to complain!
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