Meprate Tablets Late Periods
UpdatedWhat will be the side effect of taking too many meprate tablets at once without knowledge? How can i overcome these side effects?
7 Replies
My period is 25 days late. Can meprate help? All my reports are normal and my blood pressure is low (80/60).
I was intimate with my bf and I missed my periods for the last 25 days. I have not found any symptoms of pregnancy but still my periods are not coming. Please advise.
Hi. I'm a 22-year-old unmarried girl. I haven't had my period for the last 3 months. I have not had intercourse or anything. Please tell me what tablets I should take? My family is very strict and I can't go to a doctor. Please help me. I'm very nervous about my health.
I have taken meprate for 7 days but in between doses I have changed the time that I normally take the tablet. On the first day I was taking it in the morning and at night. On the second day I was taking it in the afternoon and at night. I would like to know whether this could cause a delay in periods after taking the meprate?
Hi. I had my period 4-5 days before my last period and I was trying to conceive for the past 6 months but was not able to do so. So my dr told me to take Meprate 10 mg for several days, but after a month I still didn’t have my periods. My last period date was on the 21st of December, so I should've gotten my periods on the 16th or 17th. Am I pregnant or is the absence of my period due to the medicine?
I've taken meparate for 5 days since I had missed 2 months of periods and I took 5 pregnancy tests afterwards but all were negative & there were no symptoms of pregnancy. It has now been 3 days after finishing my 5 day course of meparate. How long should I wait?
My period is usually regular, every 30 days, but my last menstrual period was 10/4/18. I want to prepone it for 2 days, so I took meprate 10mg bd for 3 days. I want to know after how many days of stoppage I will get my periods?
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