Medications That Test Positive For Methamphetamine (Top voted first)


Other than adderall, what other prescription drugs will show up as methamphetamine on a probation ua test?

4 Replies

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I take sudafed and 30 milligrams of adderall prescribed by my doctor. I had a drug test that said i was positive for methamphetamine. I haven't had methamphetamine since 2003. Please help!

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It was the Sudafed. The active ingredient (pseudoephedrine) in lots of cold and sinus meds is also used to make methamphetamine. That's why a lot of those sinus meds are now regulated and require an ID to purchase and are restricted to a certain amount you can buy at one time.

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I failed a urine test due to methamphetamines and when the Dr called from the lab, I had told him what I took which was prescribed clairtin d..the Dr from the lab told me that it wouldn't make it show methamphetamines! He said it had to be something illegal, so I'm not sure if telling them you take the clairtin d will help you or not, needless to say I lost my job

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Sudafed shows up as the methamphetamine part, because it has pseudoephedrine in it. The adderall shows up as amphetamines. The two combined makes methamphetamine. If you only took adderall it shows as amphetamines only.

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