Macrobid Side Effects


Off macrobid for two weeks now still feeling very fatigued and still no appetite. Is that normal?

3 Replies

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Hello, Grandma! How are you feeling? Have things improved, at all?

If not, you should consult your doctor, because the side effects shouldn't linger that long, after finishing your course of treatment with it. 2 weeks is about the max.

The FDA lists the other typical side effects of this antibiotic as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I was prescribed Macrobid on Wednesday, and noticed a splotchy red rash on my arms, chest, legs, and back. I stopped taking the antibiotic yesterday (Saturday) as directed, and started taking Benedryl, which seems to help, but it keeps coming back. How long can this medication stay in my body and allow this rash to continue to happen?

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Re: Littleredd (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I also have a rash after taking macrobid. My doctor said it wasn't related, as my rash started about 2 days later, but I am wondering now. My rash is very itchy and travels to different parts. Benadryl also seems to help. Doc put me on medrol dosepak that almost fully got rid of it, but now it is back again. Today is two weeks after I stopped macrobid. What happened with your rash? How long did it last? How did you treat it?

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