M523 10/325 White Oval (Page 2)
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a white oval tablet with M523 on one side and 10/325
10 mg percocet, used for pain. Similar to vicodin or norco, the 325 is the amount of acetimenophin.
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What is a white oval pill with M523 stamped on one side and 10 325 stamped on the other side? Can anyone identify this f...
my Pill imprint 10/325 E712 has been identified as oval Endocet 325 mg / 10 mg is white, pill identifier says it should ...
one side m523, other side 10-325 ## This contains Acetaminophen 325mgs and Oxycodone 10mgs, a generic for Percocet. THis...
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White oval pill with barr on the left side and 325 on the other side. ## According to three databases, white caplet impr...
I have one pill mixed in with all my hydroco/apap 7.5. What is it? ## Hello, Jeanene! How are you? This tablet is manufa...
What u guy's mean it makes u feel like a zombie because i just got a my RX from Walgreens and i have something with ...
I moved and got new doctors. Before I got hydo/acta 5-325 that had red spots on an white oval tab. Now they gave me 7.5 ...