Lyrica Withdrawels
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Ive been on lyrica for over 4yrs now. I was taking it for nerve pain that i have at the back of my head due to damaged nerves through emergency surgery. Ive gained at least 5stone and feel horrible. Ive had to get myself of this drug as i waz getin shortness of breath. I was on 600mg a day now ive weaned myself dwn to 150mg aday. Its been a real struggle the withdrawel is horrible terrible sweats dripping dwn my face my hair soaking. If i new all this about this drug i wudve never go on it.. Good luck to any1 that succeeds to getin of this drug..

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Re: Questionableatbest (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

How are you doing? I am trying to taper from both Lyrica and Cymbalta now. I figure it's going to be hell, but I want off. I hope you are better.

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Tapering of this drug is possible but the process is protracted and extreamly uncomfortable to say the least. Most fail and return to their former protocol.Having a skilled, knowledgable provider is essential in the tapering of this drug.That would be the most logical starting point.Staying with the same PHYSCIAN after he has proven to be indifferent and inconsistent is at the root of many failed attempts. I wish you the best.

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Gina - were you ever able to get off of Lyrica?? I'm so sick of this drug. Nobody told us how addictive it is. let me know how you did it.
thanks, Betty

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The only way off this drug is to suffer the withdrawal process and beyond this hope you get better. I am going through withdrawal now tapering off after initially tryimg cold turkey. Bad mistake that was a living hell and now reinstated to taper. I am reducing 10mg every 1-2 weeks, it never gets better just have to endure each day and keep a positive attitude. The psychological effects of tapering are beyond hell for me. I am like a scared cat always on edge and in fear plus the depression is bone crunching. Can't sleep for more than 3 hours so tired and lethargic all of the time. For those who come off this with minimal problems they are very very fortunate it is the devils drug.

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Me too !! Lyrica is so addictive - it's unreal. I'm stuck at 100 mg twice a day and I gave up. I was so weak, tired, sick, nauseous, felt horrible and the HEADACHE WAS SO SEVERE I couldn't stand it. My Dr said to wean down gradually. For instance, take 150 in the morning, then only 100 at night. Do that for awhile, then keep decreasing slowly. But it's very uncomfortable. I don't know what to do. Would love to hear from anyone who has gotten off of LYRICA.

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Gina - I am a long time user of Lyrica for my nerve pain too. I've tried twice to get off this horrible drug!! I've dropped my dose from 150 mg twice a day to 100 mg twice a day. then when I reduced my dose to 75 mg twice a day - horrible withdrawal - all over headache, nausea, feeling weak, tired, horrible - like I had the flu. I kept it up for two weeks and the symptoms didn't go away!!!! I couldn't stand the headache any longer, so I went back to 100 mg twice a day. I wish I know how to get off of this drug - but I can't do it either. going to see my Dr. next month and will talk to him again. he doesn't seem to believe me or he's just ignoring my issue. I want to stop taking this drug - it's dangerous. that is all I can tell you.

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I have tried TWICE to get off of Lyrica and I can't stop taking it. My side effects are so horrendous - headache, dizzy, weak, nausea, diahhrea, feel horrible - I can't function - I'm so weak and tired, I'm in the bed all day practically. I don't know what to do. Who can we talk to and get help. My doctor doesn't seem to get it. Had I know what it can do to a person, I would have never started taking it.

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Hello, Gina! How are you?

How rapid of a taper have you been doing?

Properly done, a taper should eliminate most of the withdrawal effects. Has your doctor been helping you?

Withdrawal may also cause nausea, dizziness and diarrhea.

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