Lyme Disease Meds Not Working (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy daughter has been diagnosed with Lymes disease from a tick bite.The doctor has her on 3 different antibiotics, and some supplements, but she is suffering in every manner. I don't think the doctor knows what he is doing. She is not getting better, if anything, she is getting worse. She can no longer work, and she feels she is losing her mind. She is 39 years old.
Please help us! Anyone out there know about this affliction?
3 Replies
Lyme's can be very bad, if has gone untreated for awhile, due to not being diagnosed at first, or what have you, it is must easier to treat and eradicate the earlier it is caught.
She may need some other medications to help with the pain and suffering, while waiting for the antibiotics to work.
Which antibiotics is she taking?
The FDA lists the typical antibiotic side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea.
Which antibiotics is she taking? When my son had Lyme's, he was given Bactrim, though we caught it very early.
My daughter with Lymes disease did not catch it in the early stages. It took years to finally have a specialist figure out why she was suffering all the horrible symptoms of it. By the time it was finally diagnosed, the doctor said she has had it for over a decade. Her immune system fought it off for as long as it could, until it forced her to seek help. The reason it was not caught early on is because, at the time, she was wearing a loose leg brace for a fractured foot. She was living in Washington State at the time, where the "tick bite" she got, was inside the brace she was wearing. Just to note, the tick that carries Lyme's, is in Washington and neighboring states.
Now she has had to leave her work, because being treated for this disease is just as agonizing as its symptoms.
Let me check my daughters antibiotics. There are 3 different kinds she us on. Thank you for your comment. Your help in any way is very appreciated!
The endocrinologist that diagnosed it, does not seem to know how to treat it. I'm very disappointed with him. He won't follow up or return phone calls. I guess I should be grateful that he found what was wrong with my daughter, but a responsible doctor should see the patient is properly progressing, or IF at all!
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