Lupin Norco 5 325
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I take Norco 10 / 325 and they aren't doing anything. I think I was even having withdrawals sneezing diarrhea and come to find out CVS carries Lupin. At first I thought I was building up a tolerance to the pain medication but it was like overnight. This can be traced back to when I got the medication from CVS from the manufacturer Lupin. I have about a 30 day supply left and can't get anymore but I definitely will not be going back there. I will be calling pharmacies to see who does not carry Lupin.
9 Replies
Lupin generic Norco 10/325 is pure garbage. Zero pain relief, causing headache and stomach feels bloated. How can they even give us this? We pay our copays and expect to receive medication that will work. I'm now in pain and have nothing to take. Was told , oh, we'll try and get something different next time. Great but what about now ? I've tried them 2 at a time and still dont work. What am i supposed to do for next 3 weeks ? I'm angry, scared and suffering.
Do not take any drug from Lupin. Trash. Just came off 5 years of probation and they're flooding the market with trash norco.
Norco by Lupin sucks. Our government has decided to get into the heroin business. This is the reason for cutting good pill production so they can profit from heroin I smuggled for this country and I am about to spill my guts to my senator. I have pictures and names that all will not want to hear jersey mike!!!!
Re: Verwon (# 2)
I called the pharmacy and they gave me the name of the manufacturer it's Lupin apparently they just entered our Market in March of 2017
I urge you all to report your experience to the FDA! I’ve included a link below:
& I just read that Lupin was warned by the FDA about the quality of their generics but apparently still were allowed to distribute their meds here in the US!!
Lupin is poison! My pharmacy switched the manufacture from Qualitest to this crap last month. I’ve had headaches, nausea, worse pain and extreme tiredness. Then yesterday I got switched to another brand called Amneal and right away the withdrawals of not having the Lupin brand set in. I believe this Lupin company adds harmful fillers to their medicine that make you more sick so you feel like you have to take more. Whoever says all generic meds are the same should walk a day in ours shoes.
Betty what are the markings on them? Sometimes the listed manufacturer is just a licensed distributor and not actually the company that makes them. If you can post back with this information it would enable me to double check for you.
The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, constipation, and headache.
Mandie the reason they often act that way on the phone is due to the fact that they have no way of knowing if you are an actual customer in need, or a potential thief intending to rob the pharmacy, so they must be cautious. If you really want genuine answers to your questions, you have to physically go to the pharmacy, with the prescription in hand.
Omg im so glad im not alone on the pupil brand. I literally hurt all over and they wear off in about 2 hours. I'm having a hard time finding my yellow ones and when i do call looking for them im treated like crap. I just want to cry. I have severe disk degeneration and need 5 discs replaced via a 360 surgery.
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