Lunesta Metabolism


My doctor made a mistake on my prescription which was later corrected. I was taking 3 mg tablets. They took a long time to kick in. The mistake was 1 mg tablets. When I took 3 of the 1mg tablets, they kicked in immediately and I could barely wake up the next day. I've gone down to two of the 1mg tablets and am sleeping so much better. Does Lunesta metabolize differently in the different sizes of pills? I cannot find any information on this.

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It isn't that it metabolizes different, but they will just digest and be released differently in your stomach.

The 3mg tablet is larger, so it will take awhile longer to start to digest… but the 1mg tablets are small and get digested quicker, so the medication is released quicker.

Does that make sense? If not, please let me know and I'll try to explain better. :-)

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I had the same issue. The 3 mg tablet doesn't work for me, but 3 of the 1 mg tablets work perfectly. I thought maybe it had something to do with the blue coating in the 3mg tablets.

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