Loritab 10/325 3times Day With Soma 3times Day Now Ms Contin 60mg Twice Day (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been on loratab 10/325 3times day and soma 3 times a day. Dr. changed me today (01/09/2012) new gov. law as of 01/01/12. Can't give me soma with Loritab. Now he put me on MS Contin 60mg 2times a day with 3 soma's daily. He told me the MS Contin was stronger by far than Loritab. I didn't want to give up soma b/c they help so much w/muscle spasms. Is this true or will I go through withdrawl from Loritab. I'm worried after reading all blogs on MS Contin not being as strong of a pain relief. I have been through the bad withdrawl of opiate b4 and never want it again. I thought morphine was an opiate like hydrocodone and doseage was stronger and worked better. As Dr. said. Can anyone answer my question here asap. Thanks
6 Replies
The doctor is pulling your leg about not being able to prescribe soma with lortab and MS Contin . I take all of them everyday and have been for 4 years or longer, there is not a law on it. He is lying to you,
Yes, Morphine is a narcotic opiate and it and the Hydrocodone are actually equivalent, so 10mgs of Morphine is equal to 10mgs of Hydrocodone.
Learn more Morphine details here.
Since he's put you on 60mgs of the Morphine, that should make up for the fact that the Acetaminophen helped potentiate the Hydrocodone.
How are you doing on the new regimen?
The Ms Contin is long acting. so gotta give them time to get your system, yes!! these will work way better than the lortab, ive been on soma but like 8 years ago. they are so short acting. Im telling you all this from what I been through. for 13 months I've been on 60mg Long acting, every 8 hours, got cut down to from 10/325 lotrab to 7.5/325(2 times a day)(sucks DEA) amyway for my muscle spasms and nerve pain from my nerves in my back being smashed and just damaged a tilted pelvis , I can go on and on but if my dr, would change my lortab to somas I's be golden because the short acting soma and long acting morphine..good idea actually (for me).. Let me know how it works for you PLZZ!! and share you ailments, we have something in common!
There are no laws telling drs when they can and can't prescribe different meds. Although Soma has proven to be very addicting and when combined with the pain meds and/or alcohol as well as being abused can result in death.
From my own experience, I have severe lumbar spine damage and over the last few years my dr has changed my meds a few times. At one point I was taking six 10/325mg percocet and four 10mg valium, when my body stopped responding well to that he changed from the percocet to ms contin. I started at a dose of 60mg every 12 hours plus 2 or 3 15mg morphine immediate release for any breakthrough pain. Now 4 years later my dose is 200mg ms contin every 12 hours and 2 or 3 30mg immediate release morphine for the breakthrough pain and the same amount of valium as in the beginning. I can say I still have some pain but it is manageable, and this is keeping up with a 6 year old. No amount of meds will take the pain away 100 percent, but I have learned to keep ahead of the pain before it gets severe then it is much more manageable.
I have trouble believing that 1 soma and one norco 7.5 taken together on rare occasions which seems to reset terrible pain could cause death. That has to be a scare tactic. Soma is a good drug if it's not abused. Deaths from it are from people taking handfuls.
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