Liquid Methadone (Page 5) (Top voted first)


PLEASE, I NEED TO KNOW IF LIQUID METHADONE COMES IN PINK OR IS IT WATERED DOWN because i have always got cherry red and never saw pink methadone until i got to this clinic and i take 150 mil. and with in 15 hours i need another dose. When i got cherry red i was able to take it every other day and i was fine. So can you PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON? THANK YOU.


104 Replies (6 Pages)

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Because liquid methadone is stronger than pills and stays in you way longer than pills either way

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Exactly! I was going to say the same thing but u beat me to it.

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I take 300mg a day and have for 3 years and I'm a addict it's ok to be one why hide from it

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How long does a bottle of liquid methadone last before going bad? I have a 100mg bottle that has been opened, but the lid is still on it.

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Exactly! That's why withdrawal from methadone is worse than other opiates/opioids. It remains in your system longer so it takes longer to leave as well. It's truly a miracle drug, IF you know how to use it properly!!!

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I had to raise my liquid methadone dosage to 117 mg and I feel horrible. I still crave drugs to fix my moodiness. What should I do?

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I take my dose of liquid methadone at 6:30 in the morning. I am on 55 mg. By noon or 1 p.m. I am a zombie and nodding. When I wake up around 3 or 4 in the afternoon I'm fine till about seven or 8 o'clock in the evening and it's off and on like that all night. Is liquid methadone time released?

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Re: jesytika (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

This is for anyone i live in Connecticut and my methadone comes clear. It is dispsensed into a cup from a tube aftwr they hit a button on computer. You then havw the choixe to take with water or cherry juice. Take homes go in a seales bottle ans the liquid is completely clear.

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Re: Kay (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

150 mg is not alot depending on the person everyones body is different

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I am currently on 110 MG of liquid methadone. I was wondering if anyone has ever tried both the liquid and the wafers? If so, which one works best and lasts longer?

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Re: shawny (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

If this finds you after 12 years, I'd love to know if you still receive meds for pain, from clinic. I imagine with the anti-opiate laws, it may have changed things. I'd be curious if I could change my own appts

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Iv been on methadone clinic for 20 yrs . Its is pink in buffalo n. Y . Wen u add water in the bottle and u let it sit u will see water drops all over like sweating inside the bottle . Like steam almost . Im just trying to explain wht it looks like if water is mixed in methadone .. pink lol hope this helps

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Re: George (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Not much of a friend don't take it dig a hole and pour it out all bootless in the soil then put bottles in the trash pick up all names off them bury the hole and lose the (fiend)

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send to me

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I live in England my methadone is green not pink and tase really sweet I have been on it years I know my methadone

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No you can't. Do your research before you go spouting off LOL

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But it's not to say he isn't taking something else intravenously....

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I go to a Methadone Clinic for pain, because in the US there is a war on pain medication if it contains opiates. I went to a pain doctor for 16yrs. when the DEA came creeping around all the doctors started acting like scared punks, one after another, instead of standing up to the DEA like a so called professional should act. Of coarse there were some bad doctors, that did illegal s***. Anyhow I get my 110 mg and am good for 24hrs.

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If you go to a clinic you are not on methadone for pain, If you take methadone for pain you go to a regular doctors office and get a prescription and go get if filled at the pharmacy and you get tablets or wafers depending on your dose. Most everyone on this forum is an addict of some sort, so no need to say your on it for pain when your not. And 150 ml. of liquid meth is ALOT Methadone stays in your system for a long time so I dont see why you think you would need more. I am on it for pain and I was on 90 miligrams, cause i get pills, and that was way enough and I have all kinds of pain. Maybe your mind is looking for a high that your not going to get from methadone

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you can shoot liquid methadone. they claim it doesn't work (at least my clinic does) but i know someone who does it regularly and claims to feel it. either way even if it doesn't work, it CAN be done. i don't know if it is a mental thing or it actually gets you high, but it definitely can be done.

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