Liquid Methadone (Page 3) (Top voted first)


PLEASE, I NEED TO KNOW IF LIQUID METHADONE COMES IN PINK OR IS IT WATERED DOWN because i have always got cherry red and never saw pink methadone until i got to this clinic and i take 150 mil. and with in 15 hours i need another dose. When i got cherry red i was able to take it every other day and i was fine. So can you PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON? THANK YOU.


104 Replies (6 Pages)

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Your in denial of being an addict. An addict is someone who can't go without. You are an addict. Wakeup

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Dam right I love when people say they are on Methadone for pain so they aren't addicted to it. Try to stop taking it for a week I bet these "non addicts" wouldn't last 2 days. No matter why you started down the Methadone path if you take it for more than maybe a month or two no way your gonna stop without withdrawal.

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I've done it, with red liquid. Don't set and say you can't. Some know you cannot, but the kind I was on you could. I think that's all the research I need.

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Not the methadone clinic that I go to. They even told me if they found out that I was using my dose for pain they would instantly remove me from the program, I can't speak for all clinics but mine is by the book,

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Is there a difference between clear methadone liquid is the pink stronger than the clear?

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The pills you take for pain are alot stronger than the liquid. I used to take 80mg (2 biscuits) and would be good all day but went to a clinic when i lost insurance and im on 150mg and it doesn't seem to last like pills did,

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If you've been on it that long, u are addicted-sorry to say. If u stop, u withdrawal, meaning your addicted to it-plain & simple. Sorry to be so blunt but it sounds like you need to educate yourself.

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Can u take methdone to Turkey ?

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The coloring is merely an additive. It COULD be any color. No different than Pepsi, Coke, or RC cola. They are all brown, but different shades. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with the medication.

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It's not against the law to take methadone at a clinic for pain. I go to the clinic cuzz I'm getting off illicit drugs but there are people that go to there for pain.

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your soooo wrong theres a differents from addictions. To dependence. And yes my oldlady goes to a clinc for pain i go for adaddiction we live in az and do your research information is power.

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Its called dependence. Not addicted look up the difference. Addicts Are trying To get hi dependence is a physical. Thing. Not a mental obsession

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Yup....Shuwah does come in some kind of a Pink Color and It smells Like some kind of mouthwash... In Hawaii we get Dah Clear kind of Liquid Methadone & It Works Bettah Den Dis Pink Crap....

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No, you MUST drink it...
...or else..

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Clinics do not give methadone for pain and will discharge u for asking to up ur dose for pain and of u are on pain pills for 7 years ur a addict lol sorry

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I'm supposed to be on opiates around the clock for the rest of my life as no surgery is available at this time, but my spine, neck, back, and about every disc has degenerated. so it's bone to bone and has pinched nerves that has my left hand numb. feels like a swollen up balloon but in chronic pain like my finger tips are going to shoot off. also my left leg has some type nerve damage as it gives out anytime an place. so I'm supposed to also use a cane. I'm only 39 an at age 24 UVA in Charlottesville Virginia top doctor said then my spine looked as if it was a spine of an 80yr old man. So I can only imagine what it looks like now, I've been disabled since mid 20s and have been on every non narcotic and all types of high dose opiates, they tried tens unit, nothing, then set up for 3 epidurals. I did 1 and had a bad reaction. I was close to not being able to walk at anytime so I did the epidural, got home and went to get out of the car and I fell, the car door then slammed into me so UVA said no more of them. So as the years pass I got on high doses of opiates. i had multiple amounts like oxycontin er 12hr an oxycodone ir every 4 to 6hrs for breakthrough pain, then it stopped working so I tried taking a break an went to a clinic. they had methadone or methadose, subutex tablets which is what I did as I heard about the side effects being worse than all other opiates and I couldn't do that but there liquid bottles looked like a light to dark red color like red liquid benadryl. Sorry about the long post for your question but I hope ppl see it all can take ahold of a life fast an I thought I was getting better but in the long run it was slowly getting me to were I was dependent and not addicted. So I tried the methadone clinic, I did subutex and heard and seen the liquid methadone and story's very addictive, terrible withdrawal, worse than any opioids, but a pink to red in color was explained to me as looking like liquid benadryl. Hope this helps and this was in Roanoke Virginia. Thanks.

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You absolutely can. Now you should t be giving advice on what you only are guessing about. MANY people I know do. I have watched them. And it's dangerous..they nod hard

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Just because somebody takes prescribed pain medication and physically dependent on it does not make them an addict what makes you an addict is whether or not you can stop taking it or not and have control. So if if she were to get off of it go through the detox and then could not stay away from opiates that would make her an actual addict right now she is just physically dependent because of a doctor prescribing pain medication big difference

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Does it smell like cherrys??? My coysin is an addict and i hold onto her methadone but i think shes giving me a bottle filled woth childrens benadryl it smells very sweet and like cherries

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Hello, I'm sorry to hear your concerns. You husband is so lucky to have you. Unfortunately you can and people do abuse methadone. As it comes in larger amounts of liquid than general drug use it usually requires larger syringes or repeated administration. There would be a larger inj. site or multiple ones. If your fears are true then approach your husband carefully, drug abuse is serious and should be handled carefully. The last thing you want is to put him on the defensive. I hope this helps.

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