Liquid Intuniv (Top voted first)


or patch, my son can not take a pill to save his life. HELP

3 Replies

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there is no intuniv in patch or liquid but you can try to give it to him with ice cream. I make a little ball of ice cream and put the pill inside. We have a championship to see who can swallow the ball faster without chewing it - my son loves to win - and loves this. It has been working fine and he could not swallow anything. good luck!

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Kika is correct and her idea is very good, there is nothing wrong with putting the pill in something else to help him swallow it, though very high fat foods should be avoided.

Alternatively, some other medications, such as Adderall, are available in capsule form, so the powder can be added to something to help them take it, this is something you can ask your doctor about.

Methylin is available as a liquid, Daytrana as a patch, there are also some other liquids, and some chewables available that you can ask about.

Does anyone else have any advice or ideas to share?

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Incase anyone else stumbles on this thread. I learned how to swallow pills by practicing with m&ms. Put the m&m in your mouth, add water, tilt head back so water and pill are by the throat. Then swallow and concentrate on opening the throat to let it through.
These days I can swallow 4 Lovaza with a bunch of other pills without a problem.

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