Light Blue Oblong Pill 263 Half Circle And Line


The pill is light blue and has either a D or a half circle with a line under it on one side and the other says 263

16 Replies

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Did you find out what t his pill is? I found two of them and am wondering what they are?

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The oblong pill with 263 on one side and the half circle with a line turns out to be a mild sleeping pill.
Active ingredients:Diphenhydramine HCI 25 mg. Nighttime sleep aid.

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The Pill with the 263 and (- on the other side is a sleeping pill called sleep aid from Health A2Z

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What is it taken for

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It's a mild sleep aid. I take from time to time and it can be bought at many discount stores for around $1 for a bottle of 30 I think.

Quite frankly it works quite well for my mind insomnia and after six years of taking it on and off I have noticed to negative side effects save for the fact that it wears off after about an hour or two if you don't go to sleep as soon as drowsiness sets in.

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Sorry, I mean't *NO negative side effects, not "to".

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are over the counter sleep aids a narcotic

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No they are not. This type of pill is fairly beneign and has the same ingredients as the sleepy-time teas you can buy and drink. As someone else mentioned, they wear off if you don't go to sleep once it makes you drowsey. These pills are to help you go to sleep but don't knock you out in order to make you sleep. I have always woken up refreshed because this isn't so much a sleep aid as a 'help you fall asleep' aid.

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Diphenhydramine is both an allergy pill and a sleeping pill. The only difference is in the labels, depending on what it's marketed for. Diphenhydramine is an antihistimine. But it also makes you very drowsy.

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Precisely, it's Benadryl. Nothing more, nothing less. I do prefer using it as a sleep aid to whatever Tylenol PM is. Granted I have allergies, so it's a win-win...

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This is an over the counter sleeping pill, not a sedative, it's just an Antihistamine (allergy pill Diphenhydramine HCl) It's literally Benadryl, same ingredient. You can take a Benedryl and it will make you just as sleepy. I don't know the dosage of this pill, but if i take two benedryl I will get good and sleepy but too dry mouthed to sleep, ironically so i take one and will mix with just one Dextromethorphan HBr pill, that i get from the dollar tree. Not sure what the brand name is other than "Sleep pill" But its the same thing as Nyquill without the Tylenol

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Not a bad cocktail, for 2 bucks you get a months supply of OTC sleep aids. Better living thru pharmacy courtesy of the local dollar tree, lol. Love that store.

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Tylenol PM IS Benadryl, combined with Tylenol. The sleep aid ingredient is the same.

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Diphenhydramine is NOT primarily for sleep, however. It's most common use is for ALLERGIES, however it is also marketed as a sleeping pill because of its sedative effects.

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Re: luz valenzuela (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

It's a sleep aid. You can buy these at dollar general (a bottle of 30 for $1.50 lol).

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It's called Sleep Aid (over the counter)

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