Light And Dark Green Capsule Sa Imprint


My friend received some capsules that are a light green on one side and dark green on the other side. SA is printed on both sides. There is a powder inside it. She was told they are phentermine but we cannot identify it anywhere. Has anyone seen these pills, and know what they really are?

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Hi Abbi,

Did your friend acquire these pills from a licensed pharmacy (through a valid prescription) or were these obtained through some other means? I only ask because phentermine is something that may be increasingly counterfeited due to high demand for effective weight loss medications. But if it was filled at a real pharmacy and the pharmacist told her it was phentermine (she should also have a prescription bottle with a label on it saying what it is) then there's really no reason to question a licensed pharmacist in that setting. Without a prescription bottle, I'm under the impression that it's not legitimate. Prescription drugs (in the US) are also bound by law to have verifiable imprints.

Does anyone else recognize this pill?

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Hi, yes this is phentermine which is an Anorexiant. It’s popular in Mexico and usually sold to lose weight. The pill is called Itravil.

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Trying to identify a pill that my pharmacy said was Adderall. It's dark and light green with SA. Can you verify if it is in fact Adderall? I did get it from a pharmacy and the bottle says it is.

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