Librax Yellow Generic Capsule Re 369 (Page 3)
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are generic capsules ever yellow

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I too have been taking Oceanside for about 6 wks. I am assured it is made by a company owned by the one that makes the approved Librax. The pills are identical in looks and markings. My Insurance doesn't pay for Librax or the generic. However, HEB gives me a discount called HEB RX Rewards Program which deeply discounts the RX. The first month I paid $174.29 for 240 pills. Last month I paid $368.11 for the same RX. It took a big jump in price probably because of the demand, now that other companies have quit making it. The price alone makes my stomach hurt.

I talked to HEB and they can get one by Ascend that is blue/green. I am going to try it next time I get my RX filled. They couldn't tell me at that time what the price will be.

Is anybody using this one?

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First off I apologize for waiting so long to update in regards to how the Oceanside version has been working for me. I wanted to feel confident of my answer and I think I can say that I am now.

While the Breckenridge version of this pill was a miracle and the River's Edge version was a curse, Oceanside (for me) lies in a slightly more grey area. I absolutely recommend it, I don't think there is a better alternative with Breckenridge no longer manufacturing it.

For the first two weeks or so (taking Oceanside's version) everything was relatively normal, although the first few times I took it I felt like the benzodiazepine function in this brand was a bit more noticeable than in other formulations, but it helped minimize my terror about the switch at first and I quickly stopped noticing it.

About two weeks after starting it I started having a mild recurrance of my original symptoms. Compared to how I felt when I was taking the River's Edge pill, or even prior to starting the medication at all, the recurrant symptoms were extremely mild and not worth noting. I've been taking the Oceanside version for a bit over a month now and think I am starting to level out a bit more.

Honestly, had I switched directly from Breckenridge to Oceanside I don't think I'd have noticed or connected any of the side effects the switch may have had. Thanks to the nightmare that was River's Edge I can't help but overanalyze every second of every day, fearfully waiting for the torment and fear to kick back in.

I was under the impression that the Oceanside version of the pill is essentially produced as a generic by the original producers of Librax, though that makes little sense to me and may be incorrect. If this is the case then I would think that, especially for Pinkcat, this would probably be the best option.

I am currently growing concerned about the continued production of the Oceanside brand and need to try and get a hold of them to make sure they are not discontinuing the pill as well. When I made the switch last month Wal-Mart was able to get the Oceanside brand for me, but they have told me they can't anymore. I also had some confusion at my Kroger pharmacy where one person was trying to tell me it was no longer avaliable. The pharmacist was able to find and order it for me, but he put a rush on it which made me a little nervous. I honestly don't think I can handle another switch again this year, it's just caused so much turmoil in my life since January, when I started on the River's Edge version. It's absolutely unbelievable how incredibly different my reactions have been to every generic I've taken.

If anyone else hears anything about Oceanside ceasing production or comes across another functional alternative please share, this medicine is amazing and terrifying at the same time.

@Pinkcat, wow being on his medicine for 25 years and dealing with this must be terrifying! I still haven't heard of anyone else having as severe of a reaction to River's Edge as I did, but that experience honestly scarred me for life. I've only been on this pill a year and I'm petrified of manufacturers continuing to discontinue the pill. I don't even want to imagine trying to come off this after 25 years. =(

I am curious which pill worked best for you? I am guessing the oiginal Librax? Have you had good luck with any of the generics? I know prior to River's Edge Walgreen's was carrying Breckenridge...Were the effects very similar to the real pill? I highly doubt I will ever be trying Librax, my insurance won't even cover the generics, but I really am curious how it rates compared to the others. Obviously River's Edge shouldn't even be considered the same medication....

Please update and let us know how Oceanside works for you! My fingers are crossed that it will be a major step up from those cursed yellow pills (and that it will be around for a LONG time to come!).

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It is comforting to know that I am not the only one having trouble with the yellow pill. I have had trouble through out the years with some generics not working as well as others and from the info here I can see why! Not all generics are equal! For a while I could get the insurance to pay for the name brand but not anymore and who can afford the namebrand without insurance? I have been on this medicine for 25 years and shudder at the thought of not being able to get it. I had been getting it from Walgreen Mail Order and was notified they no longer have it but probably a blessing since I got mostly yellow pills from them. I have found that our Hy-Vee Pharmacy carrys the Oceanside generic and received it today so will see how it works, hopefully well!

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Let us know how the Oceanside product works for you. Has anybody else been using it? It is a blue-green capsule and has 409 OPI in the side.

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I've been continuing to try and research alternative manufacturers for Librax. Now I have to wonder if my attempt to complain about River's Edge backfired and brought down the FDA on Breckenridge instead. According to this website: http:/­/­­dailymed/­drugInfo.cfm?id=39480 neither Breckenridge nor River's Edge's versions of Librax were authorized by the FDA.

The Oceanside version is an "authorized generic" and is confirmed to include exactly what is in real Librax. From what I can tell it is the ONLY authorized generic avaliable, even though there are several companies making it. Comparisons on the website above indicate that the only difference between the Oceanside and Breckenridge versions are the capsule itself, which I only see causing problems if your body has trouble breaking one over the other. The website does not have a breakdown of what is included in the River's Edge version, and based on them readily admitting that their drugs do not claim bio-equivalence I imagine the differences are more severe than the capsule itself. I'll be filling my prescription using Oceanside later today, and switching to it immediately I think. I am still scared that I will suffer negative consequences from the change, but it looks like there's a somewhat better chance that I'll be okay than there was with River's Edge.

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Hmm... Thank you for the research. I was having trouble coming up with any info, myself. It's interesting to know that there is more than one company stopping production. I also didn't know that Wal-Mart carried any generics for Librax, but since I don't have insurance that might come in handy to know. I'm honestly really frightened to switch manufacturers again. Since it doesn't look like I have a choice I will probably give it a try in the next couple of days, while I still have some of the Breckenridge kind left, just in case I end up having withdrawal symptoms again. I am not fully free of the negative effects of being switched earlier in the year, having to do it again is terrifying; a bit ironic since I didn't stop to question the first change for a second. I am going to hope that it's just River's Edge, since they seem rather proud to produce sub-par medication. Hopefully I will be able to update soon and give a positive review in regards to the effectiveness of the Oceanside brand.

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Did some research...Qualitest and Excellium Pharmaceticals will no longer manufacture the blue-green pill. Oceanside, a division of Valeant, is making with 409 opi imprinted on it. Wal-Mart carries it. Have not used it so can't attest to it's effectiveness.

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It would appear that you are lucky. I highly recommend trying to stock up on what they have if at all possible as Breckenridge has confirmed to me that they are no longer producing this pill. I just got this message back from them:

"We apologize but we are no longer marketing Chlordiazepoxide w/Clidinium Bromide capsules. I am not certain if there are any retailers that may have our product or if your pharmacist can check with another Kroger location to see if they can help. We apologize for any inconvenience. Good luck!"

So it sounds to me like once the pharmacies run out we'll all be forced to pick a different little green pill. Had the yellow pill fiasco not been such a nightmare I wouldn't be nearly as concerned about that.

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I'm still getting mine from the HEB Pharmacy.

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Is anyone else being told that the Breckenridge version of the drug has been discontinued?? There are a bunch of alternatives to try, and obviously you couldn't pay me to go near River's Edge again, but I don't want to play guessing games with what might work. The pharmacy that was able to special order the Breckenridge version for me in January is now reporting that Breckenridge has discontinued the product. I am at a loss as to what to do and hope that they are wrong about this. I am just curious if the other people here who have been loyal to Breckenridge are hearing the same thing??

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Re Rx's from HEB not covered by Insurance. If your insurance company does not cover this drug ask for "HEB RX Rewards." They give you a BIG discount!!!

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I also was able to find a pharmacy that could special order the medication for me. I wrote an email to Breckenridge, including my city and zip code, and they were kind enough to suggest a pharmacy in my area (Fry's/Kroger) that might be able to help. Although neither Breckenridge nor River's Edge was their normal supplier, they were able to place a special order for the Breckenridge version for me. I should be able to pick it up tomorrow for quite a bit cheaper than I had previously been paying for it, which is a happy ending to a surprising nightmare.

CVS also got back to me and said that they could special order it, but it was quite a bit more expensive that way. It might be worth it to call around a bit, especially if you are working without insurance, just to see if you get quoted a different price to special order the medicine.

I took Barbie's suggestion and wrote to the FDA about this. I found a warning issued to the company last year on the FDA's website, http:/­/­­ICECI/­EnforcementActions/­WarningLetters/­ucm220315.htm but it would seem that it had little to no effect. I can't say I think it's likely for my complaint to be taken too seriously, but I do strongly believe River's Edge is knowingly selling dangerous and potentially ineffective medication.

Luckily, aside from Walgreens, most pharmacy's in my area that I have contacted do not carry the yellow version produced by River's Edge. With what I've read about River's Edge I think there is some chance that other generic formulations of the drug may be beneficial, though I will stick to the Breckenridge version as long as it's avaliable since it's the only kind I currently trust.

Thanks again!

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Good news regarding HEB. Thank You

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Maybe it would help to complain about River's Edge to the FDA. It's just a thought.

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Breckenridge told me that they do supply to HEB stores and to try there 1st. I did and they only had River's Edge at the store I contacted. However she called the HEB warehouse and they had them so she ordered them for me. She wrote on my RX "Breckenridge" so when I call in for refills I will get the right thing. Breckenridge also said they were available at other places here but I would just have to call around and find them. Hope this helps.

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I will update tomorrow where and if I am able to find the Breckenridge version of this medication.

In the meantime, I found an old lawsuit against River's Edge (the makers of the yellow pill) for a different medication that is very disturbing:


It explains why they have a disclaimer on their website (but not on their products!) saying that their medications are not "bio-equivalent" to other drugs of the same name. It's infuriating that they remain in business when they're not doing much more than selling glorified placebo. I'm very disappointed in my pharmacy for using this company.

I do not believe contacting River's Edge will do any good as it appears they are very well aware that their products are not comparable to the non-generic/other generic forms of medication, however if you still wish to you can write to them here.


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HEB only carries the yellow cap.
Will a pharmacist special order the green ones from Brakenridge? How does one complain to the makers of the yellow pills. They are not formulated correctly.

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Barbie, I wonder if there was a specific pharmacy that you were able to find that carried the Brekenridge version? I was using Walgreens as well, before they switched manufacturers. CVS has told me they do not normally stock the Brekenridge manufactured version (though carry another that isn't the yellow one) but has offered to try to contact them to get it for me tomorrow. I am hoping that will work out somehow, but would like to have a back up in case they can't get it. I'm also thinking I could probably find it online, but I'd like to get back to taking it as soon as possible.

I'm still so grateful I found you on here, because I may have ended up in the hospital from the panic attacks otherwise. I still have a hard time understanding why, no matter how different the formulation might be, it's not enough to stop the benzo withdrawal. I knew about the risks of being on/stopping a benzo when I started taking this, but it's insane that I have a full bottle of this drug sitting right next to me and am still having trouble breathing. =( So thank you again for posting here, I'm very lucky I stumbled across this thread and was able to see that I wasn't the only person not responding to the new medicine.

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When this drug was first prescribed to me as a possible hope for stomach problems that had gotten so bad I couldn't eat anymore and had rapidly lost 20 pounds (I'm very small to begin with), I doubted that it had any chance at all of helping me and my insurance rejected the request. I inquired about the out of pocket cost and was quoted a number similar to what you mentioned and was so upset, knowing that even if it could help me I'd never know because it's impossible to afford. The generic has literally saved my life, so this is terrifying. I am happy (in a strange way) to hear that getting the real drug/non-generic really isn't the answer here and that in spite of Walgreens dropping the brand I should be able to find it somewhere. I can't thank you enough for offering a bit of hope and calm into my current unbearably frantic state of mind. Thank you!

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Last month I told my pharmacist I wanted Librax and not the Generic. She called me back and said for 240 pills the cost would be $1600!!!!! Brekenridge assured me they are still making the generic pills that work for us and that they are available, you just have to search around. Walgreens have quit carrying them and told me they will not change back. My Dr. said the formulation in the non Generic Librax is different from the one we have been getting and we don't want Librax.

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