Levothyroxine Tabs (Top voted first)


oval,beige,pill, GG337

3 Replies

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ive been taking levothyroxine for 3 months and i was drinking water regular now ive been taking thyroxine sodium and i cant get enough water please explain the differences thank you derrek

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There aren't really any severe differences, they are both thyroid hormones, given to supplement those are are deficient.

However, your body can react differently to differenct medications, so while on one medication you may not experience a lot of side effects, but a switch to a new drug, even in the same class, might result in more severe side effects.


Is you continue to experience problems, you should probably consult your doctor, this may not be the right medication for you.

Is there anything else I can help you with?

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I have been on levothyroxine 16 years. I have taken the other, However it was not working correctly, reason, one is dispursed thru the body fast thus you get to much at one time, sodium is a salt and this will make you thirsty, do you have your doctor test you T4 T3 levels against each other this is important, you will get no where till the body tells doc what your fighting energy or sleep. I am hyper-hypo, very uncommon, but it's a different type of fix, i was on huge doses of meds now on .75 the purple, if you were doing good on the first the doc should remove this new one, if you get to where you are in severepain have the doc give B-12 shot they work for this, duno why. and get lots of rest. I would look into your medical provider because thyroid runs all of you, and is nothing to tinker with.....thyroid.about.com/od/gettestedanddiagnosed/a/The-Five-Most-Harmful-Thyroid-Myths.htm..... try this site it may help loads of all the info for you... good luck.

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