Levofloxacin 500mg Medican
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How long does it take foe levofloxacin to get out of your system?
4 Replies
Re: Kerri Knox, RN (# 2)
why are they still giving this stuff out? i've seen ALOT of people with extremely bad reactions to this type of drug....
Can i use Levofloxain 500 mg for boils on my scrotom?
Hi Tammy,
Levofloxacin gets out of your system very quickly... just a few days to a week at the most. If you are experiencing problems from Levaquin, it's because they actually can lead to cellular and DNA damage. This damage is still there even when the drug is out of your system, in the same way that if you spilled acid on your hand, the damage to your skin would still be there even if you washed the acid off of your skin.
Kerri Knox, RN
San Francisco, CA, United States
Hello, Tammy! How are you?
The FDA classifies this as an antibiotic and lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea.
Did you have a bad reaction to it? It may take about 2 weeks, after you stop taking it, for things to settle down and to feel more normal.
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