Lenvatinib, Cost
UpdatedAt a cost of $12,500 for a 30-day supply, how can anyone afford this product?
3 Replies
Hello, Jack! How are you? That is very expensive and I am so sorry! Does your insurance cover any of it?
Until this past February, this medication was only available under orphan drug status, but due to the fact that there aren't many other options available for treatment of Thyroid cancer that doesn't respond to radioiodine, the FDA fast tracked it to speed up the approval process.
What that means for the price, however, is that this medication is only going to be prescribed for a very, very small percentage of oncology patients and the manufacturer spent millions on developing this medication, evaluating its safety and submitting it for approval to various drug regulatory agencies around the world, possibly billions, so making it very expensive is the only hope they have they have of recouping their investment.
There are some agencies that will assist cancer patients with the prohibitive costs of medications. Have you tried checking for one in your area?
If you can post back with your general location, I could research it for you.
The typical side effects to this medication, as listed in the FDA information letter, may possibly include high blood pressure, fatigue, diarrhea, joint/muscle pain, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, vomiting and swelling of the lining of the mouth.
Dear Verwon,
Thanks for your reply. I'm very familiar with lenvatinib, as my wife was a participant in the study that led to its approval by the FDA. She's on a "drug vacation" until May. At that time, she expects to go on lenvatineb or sorafenib. Unfortunately, her insurance does not cover lenvatineb. Any advice/help that you could provide concerning lenvatinib would be appreciated. We reside in the Philadelphia, Pa area.
Like your wife, mine participated in the clinical trial, in her case for over two years with no small amount of burden. Shortly before the end of the trial Lenvatinib lost efficacy, she also went on a drug vacation, but her tumor growth rate zoomed and metastasis to bone occurred. She is now on Votrient with (so far) good results, including lower side effects. We live near Orlando, Florida.
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