Leftover Fentanyl In 3 Day Old Patches (Top voted first)


I take the mallinckordt 100mch fentanyl patch and I was wondering if there is enough fentanyl left over after I have worn the patch for 3 days to still use it?

3 Replies

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Hi clay,

According to the prescribing information, Fentanyl patches are only intended to last 72 hours (3 days) before they should be replaced. Nih.gov also recommends changing it at about the "same time of day", every time you do change it.

Given the above information, it's probably safe to assume that there's very little, if any left after 72 hours of use. And if there is any left, I would doubt that the remaining dosage would be enough to provide sufficient relief. That part is just an opinion though, as I personally have not taken Fentanyl in order to know for certain, nor do I know what your level of tolerance is like.. Some people may still feel the effects and relief of a relatively small dosage compared to the amount they're used to taking.

Hope this helps!

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I am so worried. My husband has been on the 75mcf patch for a month now after being moved up from the 50 which he had been on for 2months prior. This is after being on 40 mg of Dilaudid for several years. The past week or so he has been experiencing withdrawal symptoms, even after the first day of a new patch. This is quite scary. The last 2 patches have been placed over 40 yr old tattoos, is that the problem?

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I was told last October by a pain specialist that given various circumstances there can be up to 80% left on a patch. Cooler weather, age, metabolism etc. so be careful. Do not let pets or children get to the used ones, they could die. I flush the right away.

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