Lamictol Xr Used For Epilepsy (Top voted first)


Does the dose within the xr pill dispense equally over a twenty four hour period? I am concerned about daily peaks and valleys. I take dose in evening but at times due to work I'll take it a much as six hours earlier. Thanks

2 Replies

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Hello, Joe! How are you?

Yes, that's how they are designed to work.

However, the issue is that if you take one 6 hours earlier on Tuesday, then take the next on Wednesday 6 hours later, which is your regular time, you're not keeping the levels in your body consistent to prevent seizures. If you need to take it 6 hours earlier some days, due to your work schedule, then you should change the time you take it, so that you take it at the same time every day and prevent these unmediated gaps.

The FDA lists the typical side effects of Lamictal as possibly including nausea, blurred vision, weight changes and dry mouth.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Thank you so much for replying. One more, Does the XR tab remain in the digestive tract as it is absorbed or does it get into the blood stream and then release. My concern would be if a patient had a stomach virus and can't hold food down or has diarrhea would this affect the absorption of the Lamictal?

Thanks again.

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