Lab Results For Dilaudid Before Clean 40mg


I took 5 dilaudid in a two day period. I weigh 180. 5'11 fast metabolism. one second day rode bike 10 miles came home soaked in a hot bath sweating that night covered with 4 blankets, drank cranberry juice & water. The next day I flushed in the morning, stopped, got my color back, then dropped for lab test at 3pm. 70 hours after last use. What are my chances at passing?

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It's been 7 dayz since i labed. Looks like im good..So sweating and cranberry juice did the trick.

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Have you received confirmation of the results or just assuming that for lack of notification to this point?? I'm just curious because 70 hours is relatively short to test - I'm a former user who currently works in the methadone/suboxone treatment field so topics of such claims interest me. In my experience 95% of clients testing + For hydromorphone family drugs need a minimum of 96 hours to clear. I wish you the very best...

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Is that the official result from the lab? I'm curious as the last few clients I've had tested positive for the metabolites consistent with the use of dilaudid / hydromorphone for anything short of 96 hours.

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After taking dilaudid k 8 i sweated out in a hot bath, sweated out under 4 blankets 4 8hrs, drank cranberry juice and water to flush 3 hrs before test. Was tested and passed after 70 hours from last use. So i sweated out the toxins.

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