Lab Drug Tests Differentiate Between Adderall Or Ephedrine
UpdatedIf someone tested positive for methamphetamine or amphetamine can they tell the difference between adderall and ephedrine?
2 Replies
Hi. someone please give me an answer. I take 15mg addreall one time a day + valium 10 mg 2 times + wellbutiin 100 mg 2 day and this drink called C4. ALSO I took OTC meds cause I was sick: sudafed + vicks vapor rub + nyquil day and night. I had a Salvia drug test a few weeks ago and I get a phone call that I had high levels of methamphetamine in my system which I don't do at all and a really high dose for the valium. The person that tested my D/T told my worker I should be dead. I'm only 5'1 109lbs, why is the test coming out like this? Please help.
I took a 20 mg adderal over 3 wks ago and my dt showed positive for amphetamine. Their sending urine to lab. Will i fail
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