Kvk Tech Oxycodone K-56
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I take the pink k-56 10mg oxycodone for pain. Last few months thus brand is harder to find at pharmacies. They are carrying another less affective brand. Pharmacists wont say why. Any knowledge about this? Thanks.
2 Replies
Nothing has really worked for me since all I can get is generic, but KVK has been ok, but our pharmacy just gave me oxycodone HCL 10mg, which I take 2 three times a day, from Rhodes Pharm, and I am having a very difficult time with it. Severe headaches, feeling like I'm going to vomit, heart palpatations, and very, very dry mouth, more then usual. Pharmacist told me to take tums and deal with it until next month and he'll order from KVK. I can't take the full dose because I get too sick and it doesn't help with the pain. Is there a difference between oxycodone and oxycodone HCL?
Hello, Mark! How are you?
Well, there really is no special reason as to why. This is a generic and the pharmacy will carry whichever one was available for the cheapest price from their supplier, when they needed to restock their supply. Have you tried asking if they can order the other one in for you?
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
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