Kvk Tech Oxycodone 10 Mg
Updatedoxycodone 10 mg immediate release 180 tabs,morphine sul er 60 mg tabs 60 tabs would like to see if i could get any discounts from the manufacturer on these. I currently have colon cancer and am medicare and cannot pay the price of theses meds. Its either eat or take meds. If you could help me i would greatly appreciate it.
1 Reply
Hello, Kathy! How are you? I'm so sorry about your diagnosis and really hope you beat it.
As to the medication, there are some prescription assistance programs specifically for cancer patients. You can find out more about them by calling the American Cancer Society at 800-227-2345.
The FDA classifies these medications as narcotic analgesics, so they have the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Does anyone else have any ideas that might help?
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