Ketosteril For Kidney Failure


CKDIII level patient, waht is the optimumu dose for a patient with 70 kg weight

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The dosing is listed as:

Adult 70 kg 4-8 tab tid given if GFR is 5-15 mL/min.

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despite taking ketostriel 2tab thrice daily the creatinine and urea lebel is going high from 2 to 5.8 creatinine and
urea from 90 to 180. how can i rely on a nefrologist. spedning huge amount of money but without any benefit.
can u throw some light with some expert opinion? thanks

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According to doctor s advice i got postrate turp operation as assured that creatinine will be controlled but without any imp0rovement but deteorated. is there any other mode of treaatment which can help controlling
creatinine and urea level and also r emove acute itcching and abodominal paid and lack of apetite etc?
end now

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