Kera Gro Hair Tabs
Updatedgot these in the mail I ordered them,but afraid to take them they were not conpletey sealed!
I ordered them too for being ignorant. These people dont eveb have a website. Its a treally fishy new company. They dont list any inredients, dont have a real working site and what they sent you isnt a trial, its a full sized bottle that you can use 14 days worth of it for free and return it after. If you dont return it after 14 days they will charge you for the entire bottle which is $85 dollars.
I fell for this because I didnt bother to read and just ordered it because I was in a hurry and when I got home and read I was like O.O they are a typical scammy site with really cheesy claims.
I checked out their "website" and they lie about several things like that ou can contact then by email, they have no email. Or that you can contact them by phone every day, any time, and when you call they are only open mon-fri 8-4pm or saturdays certain hours also... Something like that.
I talked with them and wasnt able to cancel the shipping I can only wait for the product and then return it myself paying shipping and tracking and writing on the box a return authorization number that they give you.
By the way, these pills can be very harmful to your body. They have no regulation, no FDA approval either and claim to do something that is scientifically impossible. Dont take that.
So how do i send it will they still take my money if I return it..
Yeah, you can even keep 28 tabs because thats what you paid for (and if in the future better research about it comes out, you can take them. Take a picture of the bottle front and back) and return the rest. Do it asap because they will charge you if they don't receive it by the 14th day of our order. You can call them and ask them to give you an RA number and extend the days for you without charging you because you will send them soon. They will do that for you. They just did it for me. When you send them back, call and give them the tracking number that you get when you go to USPS (delivery confirmation) and when they receive it you won't be charged. I would also suggest changing your credit card number also. Remember before you send it you must ask for and write the RA number on the package and you also need to ask USPS for delivery confirmation that comes with tracking. ITs like $1 only not very expensive.
Also, when you call to get the RA number back tell them you want your shipping money refunded too because the product wasn't sealed properly.
By the way, I actually buy these and they are so great seriously my nails grow so fast like crazy and my skin and hair are doing very well. my hair is hip length and Im very picky about what I use. Check these out: "Vitacost Hair, Skin & Nails Formula". These "formulas" are better than just biotin alone for hair because they provide anti oxidants and other vitamins that your hair also need for better absorption of the ingredients.
Help!!! Ordered KERAGRO and was blindsided by the fact they will take 87$ out of my account. This is not a good site at all. How do I send this product back without being charged?!?
Call them. Ive put several comments talking about the return but in other words... just call them ASAP to get an Return Authorization number and return them.
I lost the number for customer service to cancel my order when I send it back. DO you by chance still have it?
Iv only had mine for 8 days and they charged me the $87. Theres still 43 capsuls in the bottle.Will they refund the $87 if I send it back today?
Keragro customer service number: 1-800-835-0958
Call them and remind them that they weren't supposed to charge you until the 14th day and that you will be sending them back. Even with the shipping time they are able to extend the "trial" days so you can send it back and they can give you your money back.
You can surely keep enough tabs for 14 days which are 27 tabs because thats what they promised.
They will try to give it to you cheaper but don't take it. Make sure you let them know how pissed you are that they charged you that money so soon.
Like Ive said, I kept some tabs but until better research comes out, Im not taking them because I don't even think they are safe. They can put whatever they like on the label and it doesn't have to be all the information or truthful.
If one representative is giving you a headache just hang up and call again and talk to another person.
How do I send them back? Do I have to call to get a shipping address? I have the "packing slip" with the order ID and Shipment ID, do I have to call to get the shipment address? I haven't been charged yet, but I don't want to go through all the hassle so I will just send them back ASAP! Anything helps!! Thank you,
For future references, when ordering online, use a green dot money card, rtc, please do not use your debit or credit card. Use a card where you will have only the exact amount of the shipping fee in this case, because they are hungry wolves and will lie to milk your account. Their word is no good.
Hey. I also ordered KeraGro and I didn't see anything, where it says that I have to retrun it within the first 14 days. I also got the product now for more than 2 weeks and they already took the 85 $ from my bank account. So actually it's too late for me right? But should I do something now? Or is it over and done with paying the 85$ for the product?
It is never over and done. You call and you please and ask them to return your money, that you didnt notice their deceptive promotion where they hid that info. The corporate world works like that. You call and talk with them. If you get someone who won't budge you hang up and call again to talk to someone else.
Theres always another chance, its customer service. Also,
I also fell into the scam and I reported my card stolen thinking someone had hacked my card (which is practically what they did). I'm calling tomorrow in hopes to figure this out. My only question is will they keep billing me monthly?
I just want everyone to know that I don't know anymore than you do. I just dealed with them once and found out a lot of stuff but I don't work for them. I do have common sense. If you call and cancel then they sure won't charge anymore, in fact if you reported your card lost or stolen, no charges will come through the card.
Call and tell them to give you your money back and that you will be sending out the product to them.
Is there any other number to call? Ive called 3 times and Ive been on hold about 20 minutes each time and still no answer.
How do I send it back do I need my order number?
What's the address to send it back?
i orderd the 4.95 sample and now they have charged my account 87.45 dollars and i havent even got the 2nd bottle so they need to put it back in my account because i would never agree to that. i have called and am waiting for a call back so i can get what they say to my bank
Most Recent Replies:
I got a bottle last year and noticed they didn't have a site either when I had second thoughts about really going through with this. It was really expensive and I decided I'd take a chance with them and to my surprise these pills were amazing. My hair grew so much thicker and longer... and ladies, My eyelashes even grew!! I was amazed and so happy. If you have the money to spend on it, you should definitely buy it if you want great results.
I'm trying to cancel my order some of you are saying call them what is there number I have no clue
The RA is return authorization nunber and its a unique number for that order so you have to call them again and let them know that they forgot to give you thay. Dont return it without that numbr written outside and inside the box or else they will say they never recieved it ad they will just charge you for te entire bottle.
What is an RMA? I called KaraGro and they gave me a return adress but they didn't give me that. Can someone please help me?
hi everyone i also have order the keragro as well and sent it and cant remember did i put tracktracing number on it but did it at post office i close my card but getting a new card so they wont charge my card everyone they wont charge my card everyone since i close my card and gettting a new one right?
They can't charge it but if you don't talk to them and ask them to cancel the charge they can send you to collections and eventually your credit could be hurt because you would basically be stealing, that is fraud to cancel a card in order to not pay something you owe. So you still have to talk with them.
If i cancel my card before they charge me, that fee cant follow me atall right?
You CALL YOUR BANK to cancel our card and get a new one with a new number.
How do you cancel the card? I went to the website but I don't know how to do that
They are the worst...just recently ordered them and Ive been stalked &Puzzled.Im sorry I ever oredered them and the price is just a rip off..they should be fined&put out of so called your hair research first#HateTheProduct
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