Kera Gro Hair Side Effects
UpdatedI just wanted to know how keragro works and If it's for real. I would like like to try it my hair is taking for ever to grow and I would love nothing more than long thick hair rather than long and thin. I just wanna know the side effects to it if it's goin to make my hair fall out or cause any sort of serious problems before buying this product.
8 Replies
Do not order kera gro! They'll initially charge you $4.95 in hopes that you won't cancel your order within the 14 day trial period then bill you $84! Go with hairfinity. Cheaper and they have proven results. Keragro doesn't even have a reputable website.
Dont order this one. They charge 85$ even if you got any sideeffects. I had only 2 capsules and started feeling dizziness and feeling starving. Might be you will put on weight.
How do I cancel my order for Kera Gro I called the number but no one anwers?
If you look at their website you don't see any testimonials or results that speak to the product. They're also charging $87 a month for the product if you don't cancel the trial within 14 days. They also charge you a cancellation fee even if you do cancel in time. They're experimenting on us. In sum, we know nothing about this product and $87 is too much for vitamins. Try hairfinity. It actually works.
(1-800-835-0958) I called and it took a while, so there was an option to have an agent call you back when they were open. When I got the call back, I canceled mine and my sister's. They charged me $87.47 and I freaked out. I'm returning my sister's, but I can't return mine because it is passed the 14 days. I am, however, getting a "partial credit" back from the $87.47 charge. The agent (sounded like a young guy) didn't specify how much the credit back would be and I was too relieved to remember to ask.
I'm just going to add an FYI for everyone…
The length and growth rate of your hair is genetically predetermined, there is nothing you can do to change it. Products like this are not proven to do anything and any nutrients they may contain can only improve the health of your hair, not make it grow faster or longer than your genetics dictate.
Are there any other questions or concerns?
what will happen if you cancel your card because you were waiting on their line for hours and no one answered? I called and cancelled all my cards related to the account they have because i dont want to get the charge. They didnt ask me if i wanted to try the product. its super sketchy and i called multiple times. I reported the charge on my bank because i didnt authorize them to take anything out because i didnt want the product. I just simply put in my name and such to proceed to the "info" page they had. Its a scam!!
Do you remember how much the cancellation fee was?
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