Keppra And Acne (Top voted first)
UpdatedI am 25 and have been on Keppra for about 2 years. I have not had any seizures since last January but I have developed SEVERE cystic Acne. I had some acne when I was young but this is scaring and distoring my face and neck? This is not listedas a side effect but I didn't have this before and it is the only medication I take. I sa on some blogs that others has similar issues is that true.
14 Replies
My partner started Keppra around 6 weeks ago after he had a fall, fractured his skull and had a seizure. About 3 weeks after starting it, his stomach, sides and back became covered in pimples, which has spread and become acne. He now has it down his arms and legs, and large, swollen cystic acne on his face, scalp and neck. We are currently trying to get him in to see a Dr and try to have him switched. This NEEDS to be listed as a side effect! The Doctors just look at the info and it doesn't list acne so they assume it's unrelated. This is just horrible!
HI Karen
I've just turned 24 and i've been taking keppra for about a year now. I used to abuse my skin with all kinds of makeup and never broke out as bad as I've been breaking out on my face this past year. I get these horrible pimples that are so inflamed and leave scars and marks. It's horrible. Im beginning to think it definitely is the Keppra because Ive done everything to get my skin to calm down. Natural remedies, vitamins, no makeup for months but nothing is working. It definitely is the keppra... has anything worked for you?
I take Lamictal and Keppra, I hadn't had any real problems until they upped my keppra. I now have cystic acne on my chest, shoulders and back. I have been on different antibiotics and Rx gels but nothing has worked. I am desperate. Does anyone have suggestions. My neurologist won't listen and my dermatologist seems to be at a loss.
I am 30 and I have been on Keppra for 5 years. I also take lamictal and it didn't hold me, so they put me on keppra as well. I have always had clear skin, didn't wear make up. A month or so after I got on keppra, I started breaking out. Within 4 months later - I had full blown acne, including some cystic pimples. I have taken the oral antibiotics and used almost all Rx ointments you can name. About 3 years ago, a Dr. told me only accutane would help, but my husband and I wanted to have kids, so I passed. Unfortunately, during both of my pregnancies, my acne got worse. Now, I am on minocycline and retin A and my face is doing better - I am going to do a chemical peel, to help the scarring that incurred during my stint on keppra.
I haven't had a seizure since I got on the keppra, so I get why my neurologist could care less that I have adult acne. My dermatologist said, not everyone can see that you are seizure free, but everyone can see your face. Pretty much summed it up.
I have always had acne flare ups that were very manageable. I have been on Keppra for over 3 years and my acne has changed from the occasional flare up to constant larger areas covering areas of my face that were never affected before. I have cut all juice, soda and other sugary drinks from my diet as well as sweets. I have tried vegetable cleanses. I use a gentle foaming cleanser twice a day. I get regular exercise. Nothing is helping and the acne is continually getting worse. I am convinced the Keppra is causing the acne.
I have been on Keppra for 5 months to prevent migraine headaches. Three weeks after i began taking Keppra, I begn having terrible, ongoing breakouts of large cyst type pimples on my chin, neck, and cheeks. I am 44 years old and have had some acne on and off but never this bad or for this long. I have decided to quit taking the Keppra even though it has been wonderful for preventing migraines, the acne is too horrible. I have also had a noticeable weight gain in the tummy area I cannot account for.
I found your post while looking for information on acne as a side effect of Kappra. I have been on this drug for only about 6 weeks, and for the last two weeks I have been having breakouts. While I am prone to acne, these are very large, red, and sore pimples that are hard to treat. Fortunately, I do not expect to be on this drug much longer. Good luck to you!
I switched from Tegretol to Keppra in my late 30's and began to get acne in places on my face I had never had it! I use Proactiv, which has helped it, but still deal with redness in my cheeks, acne scarring, and other skin challenges I've never faced before.
The side effect information that you receive from the pharmacy or find on the monographs on our site are just abbreviated versions, only required to list the first so many prominent side effects, there are usually many more that you will only find if you specifically look for the 'full prescribing information' or 'physicians prescribing information.
Here's the link to one:
Has anything helped?
I have been on kepra for a month and a half now and I have had terrible side effects . Lasirations of the skin . Acne. Terrible head aches gas and my wound seem to take a long time to heal some time 4 weeks. However it has stopped my seizures. But I am getting of this medication ASAP . Better luck to all of you .
I was on Keppra for 5 years suffering with severe chin acne. I had 2 children and couldn't work out what was causing my acne, if it was hormonal or not every month at the same time. I cut out every bit off dairy, tried green tea, everything you could think of I tried and nothing worked. I didn't go out because I didn't want anyone looking at my chin. I felt ugly and embarrassed being 27 and suffering until I changed my epilepsy medication as I was getting depressed. Once stopping Keppra I haven't had any breakouts on my chin as bad as it was, my hair started growing again as it wouldn't grow further than my shoulders. I'm on accutane now straight after changing from Keppra to clobazam and haven't had a problem since. Hope you all get the answers you need. Thanks.
Re: shoemichi (# 9)
My daughter is also struggling with cystic acne are her face after they upped her Keppra. She has always had flawless skin. She is now 27 with this bad acne. She has been tying to get in touch with her neurologist but they aren't getting back to her
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