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generic antibiotic?

4 Replies

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The potency of the antibiotic needed is generally chosen according to the type of infection being treated and how resistant it can be, not according to what other antibiotics you have used.

So, yes, you can still use Amoxicillin, if it is appropriate and effecrive for the infection being treated.

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Me podrian informar sobre el producto KAFLE 13A

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I'm usually RX amoxicillin. Just wondering if I should have concerns about being able to go back to amox. and it being as effective or will I need to progress to more potent antibiotics? any thoughts would be appreciated

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KEFLEX, IS that what you mean? this is an antibiotic used for many different types of infections. One use is for complex skin infections, upper Respiratory infections etc. Never take without a Dr order, as has cross sensitivity for some people who are allergic to pennicillin. If ordered by MD should take whole perscription, as symtoms may go away before you are really cured.

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