K20 Black Writting Clear Pill Capsule White Beeds
Updatedlittle black pill with k20 on it white beads blavk and clear pill found in frieds jscket fell out..
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I found a clear capsule with pink,whit,n black beads with no markings or #s.. ## Hello Mel, I've seen a lot of quest...
Is this actually generic Ritalin?? I have looked online everywhere and since there is no other imprint I've had no l...
I found a clear pill capsule with black and red beads in it. The pill has no markings at all. Does anyone know what it c...
I have found a bag in my sons room of these capsules and when u open them they look as though they have been rolled into...
I found a few of these clear capsule pills that K 10 imprinted on them and they have white beads inside. I'm just cu...
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its a thin, clear capsule, white powder, no imprint, nothing to tell me what medication it is. ## Clear capsule appears ...
the powder is white in a clear capsule ## oblong, clear capsule with white powder inside. No imprint on the capsule ## I...
Got a quick glimpse of some clear capsules with red beads inside. The man who had them is an alleged sober ex methamphet...