Just Started Vimpat, So Far No Side Effects
Updatedwas on dilantin for 17 years..then weened myself off. was doing good for five years when suddenly has a seizure at home after work.then 3 month later had one while sleeping,then 2 months later 2 more while sleeping. 3 eeg's,1 mri, blood work, and UA all came back "normal". i don't drink r smoke, but sometimes induce too much stress to myself. finally got a referral to a specialist, he put me on vimpat 100mg twice a day.3 weeks into it...find my thoughts no longer run through my mind at a million mph. find myself not pressing my tongue forward in my mouth and have it expand into my teeth.find myself a bit happier and a bit more laid back...NOT dopey or drowsy.find myself making more jokes....only side effect so far is weird dreams,enjoyable,but weird. so far so good
1 Reply
Hello, Steven! How are you doing? I'm sorry about the seizure problem that you've had.
Yes, stress can induce them, in some people, even after years of being seizure free. I'm glad that it's working for you, without causing side effects, but you may experience nausea, dizziness, mood swings and weight changes.
Are you on any other medications?
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