Jublia Is The Easiest Medicine To Use (Top voted first)


I have been using jublia every night before bed for 4 months, I'm only on my second bottle, with my insurance it only costs me $30. It lasts a lot longer than 1 month. I have seen great results in a short period of time, very satisfied with this product.

2 Replies

Earliest Newest Votes

Hello, Bee! How are you? I'm so glad that Jublia is working so well for you.

Have you experienced any side effects, such as those listed by the FDA, which may include skin redness, irritation and ingrown nails?

So far, it's kind of had mixed reviews, with many saying it didn't work for them, or didn't last as long as it should have.

Has anyone else had good luck with Jublia?

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I've been using Jublia for about 10 months and the fungus is gone. No side effects at all. It definitely worked for me.

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