Joint And Muscle Pain Eliquis (Page 2) (Top voted first)


since being on Eliquis after cardiac ablation, for a-fib my leg muscles hurt so bad hard to walk. Have dizziness serve pain in my legs, out of breath when walking, have to sit down and rest. Nausea, Tired all the time.

27 Replies (2 Pages)

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Yes mine is bothering me today only been on it for a week. This crazy... I can't reach my dr cuz out of town. Im at a loss.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

How can I stop taking Eliquis? I am afraid I will have a stroke.

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Re: Mila (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

I just got off of Eliquis. A woman pharmacist from a private pharmacy-one that compounds prescriptions and is very well regarded-told me that she had researched the issue for her mother and concluded Warfarin to be the safest blood thinner. I took my first one today. I am hoping the nausea I have lived with for two years will abate. Maybe it already has. I do not want to know about any side affects of Warfarin. Just hoping I feel better. My cardiologist sent me to a psychiatrist because I could not sleep after receiving pacemaker. I have been on Eliquis since before getting the Pacemaker when Afib showed up. I am hoping somehow I can now sleep. It has been two of worst years leaving me truly an anxious and changed person. I did not like antidepressant side effects but may consider trying them again since I have not returned to my former self-still anxious and sleeping very poorly. Hope some of this helps you. I am 75. Let me know if you want more information.

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Re: Lee (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Yes it’s awful been on it for awhile now I’m getting worse anyone else

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Re: Anne (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Glad you got off Eliquis. Just to let everyone out there know I have all the side effects plus weight gain immediately, but what I want everyone to know and I am sure your Doctors will tell you this. I am on Eliquis because I am prone to blood clots. If you have afib Warfarin is probably fine and hardly no side effects, but for those out there who have a tendency to develop blood clots your Doctor should have you on Eliquis or Xarelto they have a better clotting factor. Please don't go off of Eliquis by yourself. Unfortunately I have to deal with these side effects. Good luck to you all.

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Re: Toby (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Getting a smaller dose of Eliquis can help. I talked my doc into reducing mine from 5mg 2x a day, to 2.5 mg 2x a day, because I am in my 80's he said OK. I think sometimes they prescribe too high doses just to 'be on the safe side'; it's your bod and your decision, so be firm, it might help symptoms.

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Re: Lee (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, get that too, taking eliquis. Just as what has been said, they don't list the more bothersome side effects, typical, nothing can be trusted, as well we were lied to about covid vaccine. Don't advise anyone to take those.

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