Itchy Skin (Page 3)
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I've been taking simvastatin for about 4 months and have had a really bad itchy skin reaction, but nothing is relieving it. I do not see this posted as a side effect. Not using grapefruit juice, what else might it be interacting with to cause this great discomfort?

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I have Simvastati prescription since last April and have developed itchness of the skin on legs last July. I've stopped taking the medicine since mid-Jan. this year and my skin still itches at night. Just wonder what other medicine do you switch to? Does itchness stop?

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I have been on 60 mg. a day of Zocor and I frequently have very intense scalp itching whenever I try to use my brain to solve problems or make decisions. I am going to stop taking it for a month to see what happens. I had a quadruple heart bypass operation 3 months ago so I don't think I will will accumulate much plaque in my new coronary arteries/veins in one month.

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Sympathies to all on this itch. I have just gone through 10 days of itching hell and yesterday went to the dermatologist who is running some bloodwork. I did my own internet exploring and found your comments. Now I am convindced its the Simvastatin I have been taking for 4 years. Hell. Can't we turn the clock back to being 20 again???

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Do your statins contain E-320 butylated hydroxyanisole?

You will find information in what your tablets contain section plus the side effects i.e irritant to the eyes,skin or mucus membranes

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This is to Kaymc: I take simvastatin and sometimes itch like crazy on my forehead, outer ears, outer nose and sides of my head. I know just how you feel....and I'm sure it's the statins because it never itched like that before I started taking them.

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I have been taking statins for about a month now, and have developed an itchy face, forehead and outer nose.
Has anyone else found the same?

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Thank you, Verwon. I tried a half dose and the itch has begun again, so I am getting off the simvastatin until my next doctor visit which is in a few weeks.

I'm also going to speak to my pharmacist. Thank you again. That is great information to know.

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Many people just have problems and suffer these types of side effects from Statin drugs, usually they have to switch their medication.

Unfortunately, your MD is not trained the same as a pharmacist, so they don't always know all the side effects and issues that certain drugs can cause, they prescribe according to known effectiveness.

You may need to speak to your pharmacist and, if necessary, have them call your doctor regarding this matter.


Have you tried contacting them about it?

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I've been on simvastatin for over a year. Several months I contracted an itch. My PCP doesn't think it is the medicine, but I do. I feel like bugs are crawling under my skin. I have stopped taking it for a few days and the itch has subsided. I'm going to stay of the pills for a week then try them again and see if the itch comes back. If so, I'm telling my doctor he has to prescribe something else. BTW, I don't drink grapefruit juice.

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