Itchy Skin (Page 2)
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I've been taking simvastatin for about 4 months and have had a really bad itchy skin reaction, but nothing is relieving it. I do not see this posted as a side effect. Not using grapefruit juice, what else might it be interacting with to cause this great discomfort?

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I have been taking Simvastatin (Normofat 10mg) for 8 days and after few days of taking this 10mg Simvastatin drug, i felt itchy on my skin (upper elbow, and some other parts of body) i never had this kind of itch skin before, i stopped the medication and then i search the internet and found this discussion, and i think my itchy skin was caused by this Simvastatin. This itch attacked at the evening for few minutes to hours, then it's gone by its self, but repeated itches happened again the next day and gone after severral minutes. It happened for days after taking Simvastatin and now i quit this Simvastatin but the itches still come and by. Is there any recommendations medication for this itches? i'm going to visit the doctor next week

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It may not be the core simvastatin. I had been taking simvastatin for almost 10 years without getting hives. Then my pharmacy switched from on manufacturer to another and all of a sudden, I get hives. My pharmacy still had some of the old manufactuers on the the shelf and gave me a weeks supply. As soon as I went back to the old one, the hives went away. The fillers are obviously different.

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Been off simvastatin for 1 year. Took simvastatin for 5 years. Have itchy ears and the itch has not gone away yet. One of many aliments from the simvastatin, that has not gone away yet. One internet doctor said it was toxic overload. Started on 80mg and was down to 20mg when i stopped.

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Hi John
I am in my fourth week off statins and feeling a little bit better.
You know I was on simvastatin for about three years so It might take a little time.
On Mon I saw the surgeon who put me on the statin and told him of my terrible problems .He said that the statin was not the cause of my problems.
As I left his office he said why dont I keep off the statins for another month and see how things go/ How about that John. Got my fingers crossed and hoping to get well soon because I have been scared of what's been happening to me.
John please keep in touch and I hope you get better soon.

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Am the same only took statins for about a month and got really itchy, I have been off them for more than two months now and I still feel itchy not as bad as before but its still bad ,seeing the doctor again in two week!

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What can I take to stop itching caused by oxycontin

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HI All
I have had the same problem of the feeling of crawling skin.
I was told by my Doctor to stop taking Simvastatin about three weeks ago after me complaining of itching all over my body.
I have been taking statins for about three and a half years and slowly starting to get the itch over the last year.
Two weeks ago I paid to see a Consultant Dermatologist and he diagnosed that I had developed Dermographic Urticaria . I have never had any skin problems in my life all 67 years of them. The Consultant would not condemn the the statin but told me to to read about Simvastatin on the internet and then decide If I wanted to carry on taking statins .
I have had a terrible two weeks unable to sleep with the feeling of things crawling on me but slowly getting better.

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I was prescribed simvastatin 40mg. At 3 1/2 weeks I developed red itchy very dry areas around the outside of my eyes and around my mouth/chin. Thought it was just dry winter skin (though I've never had anything like that before). It started on a tuesday evening. Friday morning (4 weeks on Simvastatin) I woke up with my right eye swollen shut, puffed out from my eyebrow to cheekbone, very scary! Went to Dr., stopped simvastatin - taking benadryl decreased the swelling each day until now, six days later swelling each night has stopped. Looking back, symptoms I thought were minor or in my head: dry skin, constipation, infrequent muscle aches in lower legs. Do not ignore itchy or dry/red skin if on Simvastatin. I will never go an any statin again.

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I just started using Simvastatin a week ago and the intense itching started about yesterday. Now about a year ago I used it as well but for a short time and began getting an intense itch in the groin area and thought it was related to something else. But I never got rid of the itch. It came and went and I thought it was just a yeast infection I couldnt get rid of. There was nothing else to explain this. Now I am wondering if the statins are causing this. I have itching under my arms, scalp, under my breast as well and nothing is helping. I am going to ask my PCP to try me on something else.

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my overall itching was diagnosed as a mild case of pemphigus, an autoimmune disorder that is exacerbated by statins. This was determined by a dermatologist after a blood test. I am now on a 5 mg dose of Crestor and 500 mg of Niaminicide, not Niacin, three times a day with meals. I would say that I have improved 75% but have not had a cholesterol test for three months so we will test next month to see if the bad cholesterol is down. I have been told phemphigus is very rare and I have a case without blisters. It's just annoying.

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My 68 yr old husband has taken statins for years - first Lipitor, then Pravachol, then Crestor. He had the usual side effects but less with each change until he developed this intense sporadic itch. Off all drugs now, been to every kind of doc, can't get rid of the itch. We've tried everything! He now takes Zyrtec in am and Claritin in pm. Now developing allergies to certain foods he's always been able to eat. This is a person who never even gets seasonal allergies! I know the statins caused the itch but what can be done now. Allergy meds help some but he doesn't like feeling like a zombie. Has anyone tried cholestyramine for the itching?

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I have been on Simvistatin since late June. 5 days ago I woke up with a rash on my lower abdomen. Now the rash has spread to my back and legs. At first the rash didn't itch. Now it does, especially when I work out. My PCP told me to stop the Rx for a couple of weeks to see if the rash goes away. After reading everyone's posts on this site I'm fairly sure the rash is from the Simvistatin.

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I have been on Simvastatin 40 for about a year after quadruple bypass surgery. My arms itch on top by the elbows. Creams and allergy pills (benedryl) help but it seems to come back quite regularly. What changes of meds or stopping simvastatin have others experienced to get rid of the itch? How long for it to go away?

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I tried zocor twice before and itched from head to toe. My dr. Put me on a lower dose and after 3days Im itching again!

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after 5 years on simvistatin I started to itch on my forehead, hands, sides and back. I went to a dermatologist who said this was a side effect of statin drugs but he also did blood work and discovered pemphigus, a rare auto immune disorder, exacerbated by statin drugs. My GP switched drugs but the itching has come back with a vengeance. Trying OTC antihistamines and cortisone creams

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I was on vytorin 80mg and went to the eye Dr. because of some itchy eyes. My family Dr. Immediately changed my prescription to simvastatin 40mg and now I'm itching like crazy. My head, noise, and cheeks some times my back. I believe this is from the drugs. Question to anyone, Can simvastatin be worse than the vytorin? And I'm talking half the dose. Any ideas?

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yes i take simvastation40mg and every time i shower or wash my skin itches just as if something is crawling inside my skin my doctor gave me some cream for dry skin, what a lot of rubbish still itching doing back to the dr,

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I have been on simvastatin for three months. I was taking niacin along with it and after a few weeks got severe itching on my upper back. I stopped taking the niacin about 5 weeks ago and the itching subsided somewhat but now seems to be getting worse. I think I'm having an allergic reaction to the simvastatin. I'm going to stop taking it and call my Doctor on Monday and see id he can prescribe something else.

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I too have suffered from a debilitating itch of my legs, worse at night. I eliminated various mess/supplements and started to use the mildest soaps and fabric softeners with no improvement. I did not think it was caused by the statins as I had been on for over 2 years, however, I stopped my statin due to joint and muscle aches and low and behold, the vicious itch subsided and after 1 month is completely gone!

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I took Simvastatin for three weeks and developed an itch over all of my body. It's been over five months since I stopped taking Simvastatin and I still have the itch. My doctor seems not to be too concerned. Fortunately the itch is bearable and does not keep me awake. I use Gold Bond lotion to relieve the itch. The itch is worse late afternoon and evening. It seems to move from my legs to my upper body and back to my legs after a couple of weeks.
I.m hoping this will eventually go away.

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