Istamet 50 1000


Having headache through out night up to morning after startd this medicine

2 Replies

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Hello, Aldine! How are you?

Istamet contains the active ingredients Sitagliptin and Metformin, it's an oral antidiabetic medication that's used to help lower blood sugar.

And it may cause a headache as a side effect, as well as nausea, stomach pain and hypoglycemia. However, the side effects should wear off in a few weeks, once your body gets used to the medication. But if it's very severe, or continues past 4 to 6 weeks, you should consult your doctor.

Learn more Sitagliptin details here.

Learn more Metformin details here.

The headache could also be caused by fluctuating sugar levels.

Are you checking yours regularly?

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I am using Istamet 50/1000 for the last one year once a day before lunch and Zoryl M4 before dinner. I am also using Mixtard 35 units before lunch 25 Units before dinner. Still Blood sugar levels are flatuating between 110 to165 fasting and 210 to 265 pp. Kindly recommend proper step that I should take. J

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