Is This G 037 The Same As Watson Norco
UpdatedJust wondering if the g037 is the same as Watson 10/325. Are they gonna have the same effect as them?
11 Replies
Yes, this tablet is manufactured by Tris Pharma and they list it as containing 325mgs of Acetaminophen and 10mgs of Hydrocodone.
The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Is there anything else I can help with?
A white oval pill G037 what is it's strength is it like a 500mg vicoden or 750 mg vicoden
If Norco and Loratab the same then why do the have different names?
Which pharmacy should I go to if I need to fill my prescriptions for hydrocodone 10/325? I go to Walgreens now but I found that CVS is cheaper, but I would like to try the 'GO 37' because the Watson from Walgreens aren't effective.
I was recently prescribed hydrocodone 10/325 by my pain dr (spinal stenosis). I've been taking injections, pain medicine and tizanidine for six years. Walgreens has been selling me the Watson 853 pills so my question is, does CVS sell the GO 37 and should it be a problem to switch over to this pill? Will it work better? I don't like the effects that the Watson pill produces! I need a drug that kills my pain but doesn't make me ill and pissed off!
They are all hydrocodone and acetaminophen. They come in strengths of 5mg, 7.5mg, and 10 mg. Some people prefer yellow 10 Norco than a white Watson 10. Many different manufacturers of the hydrocodone
If the pills were 'were the sane' why change them at all? The new hydrocodone white pills are different and not nearly as effective as the old ones. That's why they changed them.
Where on God's green earth did you find a 750 mg Norco? That would be like taking 100 7.5's. I think you are confusing the hydrocodone and the acetaminophen(Tylenol).
Re: Hillary (# 3)
Lortab traditionally was the old 500 acetaminophen norco is traditionally 325 acetaminophen and is now used because of increased evidence of liver disfunction related to high levels of acetaminophen
Re: Info (# 10)
Just your opinion. No facts to back any of the claims.
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