Is This Ok To Take If The Rx Has Expired
UpdatedI have 1/2 bottle of tussionex that expired on 8/14/07. Is it OK to take. Would it make me sick because it has expired?
6 Replies
I woke up this morning feeling really bad and this is the only med. I can find, and I live out of town so I will not be going any where for a few days. I have Mucus Relief Sinus the exp. is 6/08 will it be ok to take? - Guaifenesin 400 mg -Expectorant Phenylephrine HCI 10 mg Nasal Decongestant Manufactured by : LNK International, Inc. Thank You so very much!
of course. docs and pharmist told me old meds may weaken but do not do harm
That is not true of all medications, there are some that get dangerous past their expiration, please always dispose of expired medications.
My husband was prescribed Hydroco/Apap back on 12.03.2007. Right now he's experiencing back pain. Could he take these meds to help relieve the pain even though its over a year old?
take it if you get sick, see a doctor
They do lose effectiveness, so consulting a doctor for a new prescription is always the best option.
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