Is Sweating A Side Affect To Rimso
UpdatedRIMSO 50 SOLUTION it goes straight into the bladder they catherine me to put it in it is used for interstitial of the bladder
6 Replies
Hello, Rebecca! How are you?
It isn't listed among the known side effects provided by the FDA. They typically include skin odor, garlic-like taste, breath odor and administration discomfort.
Have you consulted your doctor? Are you on any other medications?
Yes I have talked to doctor I get this treatment every week.I was not sweating is bad until I started these treatments I've done them for a while I have had treatments for years now
There's really never anyway to know how any certain person is going to react to any given medication or treatment.
The FDA can list the most common side effects that people experience, so that people such as your doctor and I can read up on them, but everyone is different.
Thus, what it really comes down to is how it affects you. If that's the only time you experience such sweating, then it is logical to assume that it is from this treatment.
Have you tried mitigating it? Such as staying extra cool, when you can? Or perhaps using one of the cooling towels they sell?
Those actually do work very well.
THANK YOU...I we will get one of those towels.
Very welcome!
I was in Ace Hardware with my fiancé yesterday to pick up a small step ladder and saw that they had some for $10, I couldn't help but think of you.
I bought one for him last year, because he hates being hot.
Let me know if it helps!
Thank you I am going to get one from their I had my last one today go back in 3 months
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