Is My Doctor Doing Something Illegal
Updatedmy husband has been seeing his pain dr for over a year now..he only accepts cash($200 for every 2 weeks) i understand paying the $200 to be seen,but there was one time where for xmas the office was going to be closed for a week or when we came in,he had 2 scripts..1 for that time an 1 for 2 weeks from that,my question falls..was it legal to charge us $400,instead off just the $200,cause we weren't coming bk in the next time? i felt like he was basically selling us the script!! how can he justify charging us for a "visit" we didn't need to come to? an now again,my husband was told last week the Dr would be out of town for a week an he needed to stop in early to pick up his script,there was only the desk nurse or secretary there,not sure if shes even a nurse..but no vitals were done,no check up,nothing..just pay me an here ya wouldn't even bother us so much but the lady is really rude an nasty to us,if we find a mistake(him writing wrong strength,or amounts) an i feel like at anytime they may be like well just don't come my husband needs this medication as a chronic pain well i guess i'd like to know if they try and do something shady to him,do we have any ammo of our own against them as well???
9 Replies
In several ways, actually. He is also not allowed to write the prescriptions like that, ever, without seeing the patient, if they are for controlled substances. No post dating allowed for any reason.
However, while you may get the doctor shut down and make them unable to practice, you'd then also have to find a new doctor for your husband.
These types of doctors offices are usually called pill mills and the FDA has been trying to shut them all down.
Are there any other questions or concerns?
Unfortunately, doctors that routinely dispense pain medication are few and far between these days. Because of liability issues and the well publicized opiate dependency epidemic throughout the United States, doctors just don't want to write these prescriptions out with any regularity. It's unfortunate for the true, chronic pain patients, the the opiate dependent, recreational pill poppers have ruined it. My advice to you is to pay the $200.00 (whether your husband has his vitals checked or not, and do it with a smile on your face. They don't need your business, trust me, and would have no problem showing you the door if you present with attitude. That's just my opinion.
I used to go to a pain management clinic in North Little Rock....the first visit I went to the Dr? asked me what I wanted....people were selling drugs in the freakin parking lot and then one time a weird dude asked my husband if I was for sale for a couple of hours.... In short, after 4-5 months, I quit going as one had to every month for scripts...the in house pharmacy guy was so f'd up he had to recount the pills several times, would drop the bottles and pills would go flying every where, the counter, the floor, etc...It just got so creepy...I told my husband that I estimated he was raking in $6,000.00 a day x 5 which it $30,000.00 a week which then adds up to $120,000.00 per month...which then calculates to $1,440,000 million dollars a year! I told my husband that I thought the dude would get popped eventually and sure enough, like 4 months after I quit going to the clinic there was a newspaper article reporting that the clinic had been shut down and the so called Dr was under investigation...he was closed about 2 weeks, they did NOT yank his license...say what? I visited with people in the waiting room a time or 2 and several of them were on morphine... In all honesty, there were a lot of people there that clearly had terrible pain issues...I have an internal device about the size of a Virginia Slims cigarette pack, the implant has a remote monitor to adjust the level of transmission so to speak, that sits right at my right side waist/upper back hip area for IC, a bladder issue that caused chronic UTI's and the pain is horrible, the device works well but it's the placement of it that causes so much discomfort...I'm hoping that in the near future Medtronic will develop a smaller implant device and I will be first in line to have a replacement...So one day the pain management Dr suggested a nerve block....I said ok as the meds were making me nauseated and too doped up...After the injection all of my meds that I take for depression and chronic insomnia stopped working... In short it was pill mill....
If the rx is for a Schedule II, he can legally write, under federal law 3 rxs for 30 days supply each. Federal law also states that the dr has to see a patient at least every 90 days in order to write a Schedule II rx.
It sounds like the dr is trying to get as much money as he can, period. You may want to look around for a new pain dr because I doubt this one will be in practice for much longer.
He take oxycodone and oxymorphone. .an we really like him as a doctor,but am just afraid because his secretary seems to have it out for my husband is acts very unprofessional afraid she's going to try and get him kicked out because he asked her to do her job an get ahold of someone when he came in to pick up his scripts(doc was out of town) an one was missing! An she's was basically like..oh well not my problem..we are in VA IF that matters..I just want to know if they try an terroriz him by holding his scripts hostage or over him is there anything we can do? Threathen them back for illegal activity? I want him to stay an everyone get along..but that lady causes so many problems an he won't do nothing about her..not sure if there related or what..but yea I thought I also read somewhere u couldn't write a script for more than 5 or 7 days out? Deff not 2 charge us $200 for an office visit when there was NONE..
Wow, that doctors office is in a big mess and it sounds like he is operating a pill mill. If you need your meds that bad, I would be looking for a pain specialist. A regular general practitioner or an Internist will not write those type of medications unless it's a one time thing. The DEA is coming after doctors who write a lot of strong narcotics. A pain specialist I believe can write prescriptions for Oxycodone, Oxycontin, Fentanyl, Opana, etc. One reason he is a pill mill is because he is accepting only cash and a lot of it too. It's a matter of days or weeks ahead and that office will be shut down by the Feds. Another reason is that the office does not accept insurance. Am I'm right? Another red flag is how the receptionist acts towards the patients. She probably knows deep down that the office is not a typical doctor's office and she is not happy about it. Schedule II narcotics have to be written out on prescription paper and must not contain any refills. It would be against Federal regulations and plus the pharmacist would know the laws too. And charging that much money for a prescription and not even being seen by a doctor sounds like some type of law is being broken. Doctors can fill out up to 3 prescriptions but on the 2nd and 3rd prescription, it should be written somewhere by the doctor, "do not refill until (date) and again to charge you for the scripts is ridiculous. What you have said about this office has Pill Mill written all over it. It sounds like you maybe from Florida because that state is cracking down on this type of activity.
I am truly sorry that you are in so much pain and it is unfortunate that regular doctors are too scared to write prescriptions for strong narcotics because they are afraid the DEA will revoke their DEA number or possible revoke their medical license. Good luck to you and hope everything works out for you. One more thing, have you looked into methadone treatment? It's a thought and wanted to pass it along to you.
Hello a doctor who does physical exams just opened a small office and is bringing people in by paying then 25 dollars to give them a physical I'm quiet sure their insurance e pays the doctor for this! Is it illegal to pay patients like that??? Please I will appreciate the responce.
That's not entirely accurate in all states. If a long-time patient can't come in (some had some back trouble this week), I e-prescribed his Klonopin, Ritalin and Ambien to his pharmacy. I defy you to tell me there is no physician-patient relationship. He's been with me for five or six years. And NYS doesn't t have the BALLS to try to bring charges before the Office of Professional Conduct against a well-know shrink whose sister was Chief Executive DA of New York County (and defended several colleagues against the OPC and kicked ass EVERY time; well., she has a 94% conviction rate for Sex Crimes — she was Chief of the Sex Crimes Bureau for 10 years but brought two death penalty cases to trail as Chief Asst DA, "Special Prosecutor" assisting her successor. I testified several times regarding the Forensics, which is better than good and has lots of equal impressive friends. Not only did I testify, I brought friends. No reputable psychiatrist would have the balls to take issue with Dr. Fs testimony; he's an icon in my part of New York. I brought my shrink, distinguished in his own right and Exec Chief of psychiatry elsewhere in town. The DA gave anyhow Discretionary Power and she got a 12-0 jury vote for heath in both phases of the trial. My sister's finance commented, "I have a 15-0 records against these jerks; yours is what, 10-0. WE can beat 'em with our statues tied behind our backs. They'll withdraw as soon as they see our witness list. If they wanna dance a few rounds with us, BRING IT ON? We've never walked away from a fight in our lives. This one will be laughed out of the hearing room!"
Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.
You're half-right. I e-prescribed THREE Schedue-II scripts for a patient who couldn't come in to see me, On Friday, Glenn called to say he was experiencing severe lumbar-siacaral paint and osteoarthritis, He was in the accident in September! his Ortho and I prayed for no sequel, but 'twas not to be, We had an evening appt and he said, the couldn't drive because of the pain and the Percocet 7.5/325. I tad him to let e get Dr. S. on three way calling and have him write another Perocet 7.5/325 script with directions to TAKE 2 (or one and one from previous Rx bottle q4h.) Dr Jeff wasn't available. I E-scripted Daliudid p.o. 2-4mg q4h #100 tabs, Dilaudid isn't very long acting, but it worse and the dosage margin is flexible, I told him what I was writing for and he said "Doc, I was nervous about it, because I tried to get Dr. Jeff or his covering doc but cousin;t, I was going to ask you for more oxycodone, but didn't know how you'd feel about it. God bless you, I know what ?Dikaudid is ad this should do the trick. Doc, when I first came to you, Dr. F. (my old friend, Marv, an incredible Internist) said, "If anyone can hep you is, it's Dr Joey. [He used Dr + my surname] Since Dr. F. retired, we now say 'Nobody mixes those cocktails like Dr. Joey." This man is MY PATIENT and has been for 10 years. No evidence he is abusing meds ir has a hx of addiction. Where was I going to send him, the ED tav MY HOSPITAL. I've have to fly down there and pull rank of everybody (EXEC Director of Psych) and order the to practice medicine properly, I CAN overrule administrative decisions in individual hospitals if my best professional judgment dictates that I do so. I wasn't going to waste three hours with no recourse but to tell the pt. to take 15 or 222.5mg of oxycodone. My Oath requires me to help him. I answer to a higher authority than the Regulators and I my sister has a bunch of judge and attorney, US ADA and DA friends who can help me ensure I can fulfill that Oath, They pharmacy filled the script, no problem and my sister beat the Hell out of the DEA a few ties in federal court. They're aria of her and with good reason, since she prosecuted two of her own cop witnesses. The agent have committed multiple counts of Criminal Perjury in the 1st Degree; Witness Tampering 1, multiple counts; falsifying....and so on. I ask that you schedule a continuance and please appoint me Special Prosecutor to ensure that these clowns are indicated charged and convicted, The US ADA rose and said "The people have no objection and we'd be pleased to work with Ms. X." She promised that day that they would serve the max and they will.
Editor's note: We do not verify the credentials of our users and nothing stated in our forums is intended to be taken as medical advice.
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