Is Morphine Stronger Than Norco 10 325
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My husband was on morphine 30 mg and the doctor put him on Norco 10/325. Which is the strongest pill for pain?
16 Replies
Re: Ktb (# 14)
A friend of mine gave me ultram because I ran out of my Norco medicine a few days early and it also helped me from withdraws as well.
Re: Ktb (# 14)
A friend of mine gave me ultram because I ran out of my Norco medicine a few days early and it also helped me from with draws as well.
Re: Stone (# 13)
I'm not sure but there's a link at the top of this thread about conversion. I do know I'm prescribed the ultram and morphine and they changed the 30mgER to 15mg IR 3xs a day and I'm highly allergic to everything in the hydrocodone, dilaudid , oxycodone family etc . So due to my current disease lupus & I see onocolgist for another condition but anyways I to have ran out because on bad days I use an extra one as my last resort to just walk and one time I ran out 9 days early, I didn't even have one withdrawal . . I had pain but it was the same pain I had the entire time . I'm thinking you should be ok until your meds come in since you have your hydrocodone because the ultram is what I'm thinking prevented me experiencing withdrawals. Again , everyone is different but I wish you the best ! Just look at those replies above & maybe they will help !
V/A has me on morphine sr 30 mg twice a day. They are late with my refill. I have Norco 10/325 mg for breakthrough pain. How many Norco 10mg will it take to equal one morphine sr 30 mg until I get my prescription delivered and prevent withdrawal?
Re: Lisa (# 3)
Methadone is a great painkiller. I have a buddy who's been on Oxycodone (max dose) for 7 years. Finally decided to try something else and he tried methadone and he loves it. Reduced pain, easy withdrawal, he says the crash, if he missed one, maybe 2, on a great day is possible and he gave it 5 stars.
Re: Anne (# 8)
I am aware of the scheduling but they stated they weren't working for them. I suggested an alternative for them.
Morphine is a much stronger medication. What ever works is the best pain medication. It shouldn't be the strongest med but what will control the pain. I think people get in trouble because they want to be pain free. In a lot of cases this isn't going to happen. If pain control is good enough to do most of the daily activities then stick with that. It's unrealistic to think you'll be pain free.
Re: Lisa (# 3)
Lisa you didn't say if the break though wasn't working or the patch. However I personally have never been on Fentenayl and I wouldn't personally go that route. But if you are receiving no relief I would change to MS Contin 20 mg to begin 4x daily with 10/325 Narco (hydro) or percocet. Since majority of PMs don't use the Fentenayl or Oxycontin anymore I would for the sake of maybe not getting medication for whatever reason to try something different. I personally had more relief from Oxycontin then MScontin my pm doesn't wrote Oxycontin. Just ask Dr to try a different med since no relief. Good luck..
Re: David (# 1)
That doesn't seem right. It would make sense if it were oxycodone and not hydrocodone. Oxy is a schedule 2 like morphine and hydro is schedule 3. It wouldn't make sense to take two schedule 3's and that would equal a schedule 2. Scheduling goes by the strength of the medication and how addictive it is. I'm not sure how many it would take but on average a hydrocodone is about 1/3 of the strength of an oxycodone and oxycodone is about 1/2 the strength of morphine all things being equal.
This is a medication that I am currently on and have been for no less than 3 years. As I understand, the 10 is the amount of norco (which I've been told is viccodin) and the 325, which is my dose, is the amount of acetaminophen.
The 10 represents 10 mg of hydrocodone and the 325 represents 325 mg of Tylenol.
I hope this helps.
I was just wondering how strong 10-325 narcos were cuz I didn't know what the 10 means
I'm on norco 5/325 mg about 3 months 4 a day for break-through. Also fentanyl 25mcg patch for 3 weeks. I told my Dr I have no pain relief and he refuses to increase the patch for my chronic back pain. Now what?
I've been looking everywhere for accurate information in regards to converting 30mg of morphine into the norco 10/325mg equivalent. It's scary to think so many people are taking advice from individuals without any evidence to back up their claims.
Kudos to you for citing relevant scientific data! I pray more people follow your lead! This posting has helped me immensely. For that I'm grateful.
Thank you.
Someone please correct me if I'm interpreting this wrong, but according to the following opioid dosing equivalency chart by, two 10mg Norco (Hydrocodone) tablets are reportedly equal one 30mg Morphine tablet.
Here's the link for reference:
However, due to possible side effects, individual tolerance, body chemistry, and other personal factors, my understanding is that not all opiates provide the same type of effects or relief even at what would be considered an equivalent dose.
Hope this helps!
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