Is It Possible To Snort The New Op 80s? (Page 21)
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i have been prescribed to OC 80's for 6 years now for my debilitating pain. i started taking them intranasally about a year back when i learned that it works much faster and better. i'm currently up to 4 a 5 a day. yesterday i got my script filled to learn that they had come out w/a new generic replacement that has OP on the side that used to say OC. i've tried everything in my power and nothing seems to work. taking these pills orally does NOTHING for me except make me feel tired and sick to my stomach and i had to stay home from work today because of this. i know there has to be a way to take these new generic pills and separate the plastic from the oxycodone, but have yet to learn what that way is. {edited for safety}

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hey everyone, I am a cronic pain patient for over 5 years. I get 80 oc's, sorry I mean 80 op's, and I have been snorting them for 2 years now, I was totally bummed out till yesterday when my friend told me to take another pill, he used a vicodin, his friend uses his roxicodone 30's, I actually used my Lyrica because all my roxi's that I get for breakthrough pain where gone, all you do is grind down pill, I use a Ped-Egg and it work great to grind to powder and then grind the other pill that you use and mix in well with oc, then snort away, you will get a little gel but its nothing like the giant gel balls that come out with the new oc's.

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heat in excess of 110 or 120 desroymost narcotics

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I am so happy this new Oxy has come out I can not wait til the Roxy are done the same way...This has helped me come off of the s**t after 6 years of addiction I feel like a new person again I finally can be a great mother play with my child laugh with my family without worring about a pill addiction sucks I know it feels so good to get high but when you are addicted like I was you don't get high you just get them so you wont be sick believe me it wasnt as bad as I thought it was gonna be you just have to get your head on and mind set straight that this is the way its gonna be you are done with the pills and after about a week you start to feel normal and relize that it was SO F***ING worth it, but I dont think that these people relized what they have done this just caused a HUGH problem, now you have fixed oxy that you cannot snort,now they are going to shot them several of my friends have started using the needle I would much rather see someone snort a pill then stick a damn needle in their arm and now you will have a problem with herion and cocain damn them dealers just got set up for a major raise their business just went sky rocket, you know they just need to leave s**t alone and let the law enforce do their job it, these drugs will never stop no matter what you all do it's always going to be a problem until the end of time. So if anything it might change someones life by helping them stop their addiction which was the most wonderful thing that could have happen to me but I dont see much of that happening I think it just made things worse, but if it has help one person change their life then they have made a great accomplishment with them. I just wondering does it help with pain for those who do not abuse them because I have heard several say no, and it made them sick.

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silly girl thinks its funny getting eveyone to waste their pills

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the microwave idea is crap it dont work do what jen says suck off coating and swallow you will feel it but dont waste your pill listening to that stupid microwave s--t

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also bongquisha- good point about everyone having different microwaves. this is very true and the times are highly dependant on the power of your microwave. you HAVE to watch it closely.

another tip- you start by microwaving the pill WHOLE. there is no coating on them!

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lotapain i think u are wrong about that. it's not covered in a big gel coating, the gel is actually woven through out it. so by completely eliminating the outer coating, you are losing some of the oxycodone which is also why you probly are finding that you need more to feel it. on the contrary, i find this way to actually be stronger than normal, my theory being that they had to put a lil more in then to make up for the gel, although i'm now realizing how silly that sounds, lol, but like i said, it's just a theory.

to stevemar- take a chill pill, yo. don't get all worked up over a blog w/people trying to HELP each other. judging by the fact that you don't know when to use your shift key correctly, nor do you know anything about proper grammar, i'm not going to waste my time w/you anymore. you're obviously a miserable person and don't need my help to make it any worse. best of luck to ya! :)

i'm not sure why you all think there is still a coating on the op's. the coating isn't neccessary w/the gel woven throughout the pill. you can all hate on me all you want. i found a way that works. it does turn into gel sometimes, but you just have to chop it up as much as possible.

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get roxys people, thats your last resort

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Hey Silly Girl; Have You read enough about OXY OP. You sound INTELLIGENT; But your Brain Is Actually Disintigreating before your eyes! If you want to get HIGH,Buy yourself some Good Weed,Not The S--t you buy on your street Corner,But Find a Reputable Dealer, & I assure you,You Will Feel A Lot Better,Without All The Bulls--t.All this s--t I read on hear every whichway,Trying to Break down the new Oxy OP. Like I Said Before,No Matter How You Try & break em up,Your Gonna Have A Lot More Work to do Before you get the High Your Used to.Snorting That S--t,Will eventually catch up to you!

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i figured it out microvvvvvvvvwave just puts every thing together. the best way is to get it wet and set around and pull it off. there is a thick gel coating on them and i can,t take it it just makes me sick, after you get most of it off you can grind it some then freeze it. there is a small pill in the middle. after froven at least 2 hrs. you can grind to the origanal powder. it takes more though. just like swallowing them whole dose. i can,t get them down they make me have bad headaces and stomack pain. once you wet over and over and pull the plastic it will shock you how much is on there that is why they are bigger. i,m not a dr. but it doesn,t take a geinus to see once you take it down to that small hard pill. it takes alot to get the same pain relief but if they make you sick it,s the only way till you can get something else. i am a true pain patient and i took these normal now they don,t work. of couurce if you microwave them you are just melting everything togeter. there is a huge gell coating like i said it does go down to a solid pill but the stuff is woven through the small pill to. that is why you have to freeze it. silly girl is silly and taking a lot of people down the wrong path.

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Do you scrape the coating off of it before Step 1 in the microwave process? I'm prescribed to the new 20s but would prefer the old school pills.. man you dont know what youve got til its gone!!
Thanks for the help!

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Do you scrape the coating off of it before Step 1 in the microwave process? I'm prescribed to the new 20s but would prefer the old school pills.. man you dont know what youve got til its gone!!
Thanks for the help!

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WOW- I can't beleive what Perdue Pharma has done to the lot of you. I have been on OC for about 4 years now due to a failed lumbar fusion. I have always taken oc in the conventional way and have adequate pain releif, I also get 15 mg Percs for breakthrough. It's actually pretty amusing, I'd love to be a fly on the walls of some of your humble abodes, must be like watching Reefer Madness hahaha. I'm with Jan, all of you give us who really do need the drug, and use it responsibly, are looked at as the stereotypical abuser. I like seeing these dealers get hit, it's a damn shame the price I've heard they charge for this stuff, friggin $1.00 a mg. Like someone else said, it;s time you people got a real job, see you in about 3 or 4 months in the workforce, after you all de-tox.

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Everyone has different microwaves duhhh be smarter than other people cook it for a different amount of time just watch it obviously u wernt watching it if it turned black lol I know u shouldn't watch microwaves but still get a Brian people lol

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as far as grinding a pill down, i found it best to use those metal ring clamps that you use a screw driver to tighten. simply get one, reverse it, and use the under side like a cheese grater. this really does suck, i could get by on snorting 3-5 per day. Now i have to swallow 40 of them at a time and my rx is gone in a 2-3 days instead of 30

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To all you oxy dealers that over price your pills hahahahahaha karma is a biotch ...... looks like a lot of you are out of buisness and have to go get real jobs or it's to the streets you go .... finally they can do something right and get you lazy medicated wastes of life paying taxes

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Re: Oxy. Of all the ways to 'waste' time and ruin a good med!! And all to get high? This is the reason why those of us who actually NEED pain med are questioned and highly suspect when trying to obtain a pain prescription for the chronic high pain levels we endure just to have some semblance of a life! These sorts of 'habits' are why pharmaceutical companies must spend most of their resources to make a med that MUST be taken in the manner advised, instead of 'smashing it' with a hammer', 'snorting it', 'cooking it', and whatever other ways you can think of to a quick high. You are to be pitied, actually. Your energies could be much better used .... don't you think?

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Silly Girl; I have been taking drugs since I was 11 Years old,Thats 39 Years Sweety & because Of People Like You That Doent Have Even Half A Brain are Trying Every Which Way,But The Right Way. So Doen't even Try & tell Me What Works & What Doesn't!You Go on Snorting that Crap,You Ain't Gonna Have No Brain.The way to go is........What A Dumb Broad! Typical Red Neck!Go On Honey,I Heard your BELL Being Rung,Oh That's The Microwave!Your Smart Alright!!!

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I would think so, i'm using OP40's. I still have to try to cook it again, I'm thinking since they said it works, that I must not have left it in long enough in the final 5 minutes. Now that I think about it, it started to turn a light golden color, and thats when I took it out of the micro. I probably should have left it in longer to get it to the gookey stage like Sasha had said, so I'm thinking ...maybe that's where I went wrong? I'm gonna have to try again. sigh...

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